Chapter 45

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Fiorella POV

I woke up from a long slumber. I can't believe that not only do I have four plus five mates, but I also have an intimate relationship with Sebastian. I don't know why, but I remember when another personality promised that panther. I palmed my face as I sat up from bed.

As for Ford... let's forget about him and move on.

Suddenly, a familiar ache in my stomach made its presence known, and I gritted my teeth. That Flo... who was the one to tell me she can kill zombies and endure a pan of gun and punch, now disappeared when my period arrived.

'It's not my fault... you know I can endure anything, but periods, argh... now let me sleep' I heard Flo's voice in my head.

"No way..." I sighed and looked down to see if there were stains on the white bedsheets, but thankfully, there were none.

I raised my head to climb down from the bunk stairs, suddenly startled when I saw a naked man there.

"WHAT THE HELL!" I closed my eyes. Why is it always me who sees unholy things?

But that merman was beyond gorgeous... with the face of an angel and the body of a demon.

'What are you thinking, Fiorella... you dirty girl?' I heard Flo's teasing voice in my head.

'Please, no...' I replied in my head.

"Sorry, Flo..." When I heard the low voice of Luca, I looked at him. He had now wrapped his silk clothes around his waist.

Why didn't Flo ever notice his demon-like body, I thought.

'Because I am not unholy like you... bitch.' I ignored Flo's voice and climbed down with difficulty.

"What happened, and why are you naked, Luca?" I asked with difficulty.

"Umm... you know you are in heat, so sorry, I can't control myself," he spoke with difficulty, and his eyes were clouded with mist.

Heat... does it mean my period? Why is he excited?

'You don't know mating things in animals, shame on you, Fiorella...' Again, I heard Flo's voice. Again, I ignored it.

Nodding at Luca, I quickly went to the washroom. Thank God Flo has pads and tampons in space... I think I need to explore the whole space.

After showering with hot water, I felt comfortable, but the dull ache in my stomach was getting worse. When I went outside, I saw Luca was now normal, and there was also a bucket filled with fishes.

"You caught them... when?" I asked Luca, surprised.

"When you were asleep, I thought of getting some," Luca replied. It must be hard to catch fish from frozen water.

"Well, I'll cook them," I replied when I looked at those big fishes in the bucket. I felt uncomfortable as I felt him looking at me continuously.

I was only comfortable with Ford, Lucas, and Sebastian... but after Ford cheated... and that trauma... forget it.

"Luca," I spoke. "What happened? Why are you looking at me like this?"

"Sorry, Flo, if it makes you uncomfortable, but what happened to your eyes?" Luca asked. His face showed a worried yet gentle expression. He looked like an angel.

"It's kind of a disease that makes my eye color change frequently," I lied.

"Oh... but you look beautiful no matter what your eye color is, black or brown," he smiled at me. I also smiled at him, feeling shy because of the compliments. I was never able to handle compliments.

I took the fish to the kitchen, made rice, and cooked fish tomato curry.

I felt my stomach ache worsening. Taking deep breaths, I tried to calm myself. Suddenly, I felt a hand around my waist. Looking behind, my eyes crashed with worried green eyes.

"What are-" Before I could finish, he spoke.

"Are you feeling pain? I don't know if Belle will feel pain during heating," he spoke softly near my ear. His hot breath was fanning against me. He maintained distance between our bodies.

His webbed hands rubbed against my stomach, and I felt relieved. As I closed my eyes, I felt that his hands were magical because my pain was easing.

I turned my head and looked at him. His eyes were gentle and clear. I wanted to drown in those eyes. His eyelashes were so long.

"Are you okay now?" Luca asked softly as his hands left my stomach. I nodded, still dazed.


9 November 2023

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