Back to original world (1)

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One day, while Fiorella was taking her afternoon nap, she suddenly found herself in a rainy night.

The rain was pouring heavily as she sat on the road, feeling a sense of familiarity.

she actually had returned to her original world. But all she wanted was her husband and children.

"Fiorella," a familiar figure rushed towards her, taking deep breaths. He was wearing a long black trench coat with a white shirt underneath and black pants. He had an extremely handsome face, and he looked at her nervously.

"Fiorella," he spoke, taking deep breaths. "I don't like her, and I've already told her that I want to break up with her, but... she actually..." He trailed off as he looked at her wet face, glowing in the rain.

"And you tried dating her while we're married? Sure, sure... You actually think you can play around with feelings...shame on you Ford" but now 'I don't have anything for him. Because I love my beastly husbands very much and have no place for anyone else.'

"Wait, don't leave me, Fiore..." he spoke, but she had already left.

"Ford," a woman came back and hugged him from behind. "I love you soooo much, Ford..."

Ford stood there, hesitating. Why should he chase after women? He was rich, he was handsome, and he could have any woman he wanted in his bed. It was a pity... He was a clean freak. He used to love Monica, the girl who was hugging him, and Fiorella had made a special place in his heart.

To be honest, he had started liking Fiorella. She always stayed awake and ate with him, even if he came home late.

She cooked for him personally.

And most importantly, she was smart. Since he had told her she couldn't work outside, she started doing freelancing work from home. He couldn't imagine if she started working outside.

Many men liked her. She had a gentle personality, and her smile could brighten anyone's day. And he liked her very much. Sometimes he wanted to hug her, kiss her... but his ego didn't let him. He wanted her to take the initiative.

Monica was his childhood sweetheart. She took the initiative, and he didn't love her as much anymore. He had become accustomed to her presence. She was rich and beautiful.

But Fiorella was different, even though she came from a rich family. Her own family didn't like her. They favored their adopted daughter more. Fiorella was actually swapped with That adopted daughter.

Because of this, he pitied her. He had investigated her background and was shocked to find out that after her grandmother's death when she was just 11 years old, Fiorella had started begging and lived on the streets. From then on, she did various jobs to survive, and she eventually resumed her studies. However, she never lost her kind and gentle personality.

He pitied her, and he liked pitiful women like her.

"Ford... She likes you, but she will now pretend not to like you. Why don't you send her divorce papers? She will come running," Monica spoke to him with viciousness in her eyes.

"You're right," Ford spoke. Why did he need to chase after women when he could have many in his arms?

Fiorella: Journey To Beast WorldWhere stories live. Discover now