Chapter 19

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Charles POV

I found myself in a bit of a predicament, my legs stuck in two holes of the suit that Relly gave me. Despite wearing it, I still felt scared. What if I couldn't get out?

The suit fit me perfectly, the measurements were accurate. I couldn't figure out where Relly had gotten this fur skin from; it was different from what I usually wear. I couldn't even identify which animal it came from. Life was so hard.

As I walked out of the room, I spotted Ethan nervously standing there, biting his nails.

"Why are you standing there? Let's go," I said, pulling his arm. I raised my eyebrows when he didn't move.

"I... I'm kind of nervous. What if she doesn't like me in these clothes?" Ethan said nervously. I shot him a confused look. He looked good. Why was he scared?

"You look good. Now let's go," I said, pulling him along with me.

In the main hall, Sebastian was already there.

Sebastian looked nice.

Relly was looking at Sebastian like she had lost her mind. I wondered why she looked so silly.

"Relly, are you okay?" I heard Sebastian's voice. She snapped back to reality, and her beautiful green eyes turned towards us, widened in surprise.

Charles looked dapper in blue suit. His piercing golden eyes gazed out from beneath his short, jet-black hair. His chiseled features combined with a smoldering gaze injected a certain swagger into the outfit, making me the very definition of handsome style. He looked like Prince Charming out of a painting.

And lastly, Ethan, dressed in a crisp white suit, looked handsome and debonair. His gaze was strong and steady, conveying a message of assurance and trustworthiness. His brown eyes sparkled with warmth, and his silky brown hair reached his shoulders.

"You all look amazing. How can anyone look so handsome?" she complimented us. I looked at her and blinked my eyelashes, while Ethan's face turned as red as a fruit.

Suddenly, Relly's face brightened, and something weird appeared in her hands.

"You guys definitely look better in these shades," she said, helping us put them on.

I looked around in amazement as everything around me changed color.

So fun.

"Thank you, Relly," I told her, giving her a hug and rubbing my cheeks against hers.

She smelled nice, and her skin was so soft.

"You three stand there and smile," she told us, guiding us to stand together near the sofa.

We looked at each other before looking ahead, smiling and holding hands.

And then I heard a weird sound coming from the black box in Relly's hands.

"Perfect!" Relly exclaimed, pulling us and placing the black box on the sofa.

Then we stood together with Relly, holding hands and smiling as I heard the weird snap sound.

"In our tribe, this is used for communication, taking photos, recording videos through our mobile phones' cameras, and many other things. It's called a phone," she explained and showed us the pictures we had posed for. I looked at her in amazement.

So magical.

I never imagined something like this could exist.

After taking off those clothes, I put them in my space as Relly instructed. She then gave us amazing fur skins with buttons.

When I wore the black-colored shirt, I thought about how difficult it would be to transform in it.

I transformed into my animal form without the trauma of feeling pain.

I was stunned.

My eyes widened.

The suit also stuck to my animal form.

"Pfft... Hahahaha!" I heard laughter around me, and saw Relly laughing so hard.

I growled at her, but she continued laughing hysterically.


At dinner, we sat at the dining table. Today, Sebastian had roasted delicious rabbit meat.

It looked yum!

"I have something serious to discuss," Sebastian suddenly announced after we finished eating. I looked at Sebastian.

"What's up, Sebastian?" Relly asked him as Sebastian sighed.

"I've been living here to patrol the border territory of our tribe. Now, I think we have to go to the tribe tomorrow for a report," Sebastian said. I could see Ethan stiffen.

Relly looked so excited, but I didn't feel anything. Anyway, wherever they were, that's where I wanted to be.

"Really?" Relly looked excited.

"Yes!" Sebastian nodded with a smile before looking at Ethan and me. "If you two don't want to come, you can stay here."

"No, Sebastian, I want to come," Ethan said, smiling sadly. "I want to face my fear."

I also nodded, indicating that I wanted to go.

"We'll go to the tribe early in the morning," Sebastian told us before leaving the table to make the beds. Relly and I refused to leave each other, so we slept together. Ethan, not Being relly mate, slept separately. Even though I wanted to cuddle with him while sleeping.

6 may 2023,

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