Chapter 79

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Caelum POV

I lost track of time, but I felt satisfied after a long while. She was sleeping on top of me, and I played with her hair.

"Caelum" she called out softly.

"Yes" I replied.



"What's going on in pretty head of yours?" I asked, pinching her cheeks. She playfully hit my chest and chuckled.

"How did you fall in love with me?" she suddenly asked. I kissed her neck, gently caressing her waist and squeezing her ass.

"I'm serious" she pouted.

I remembered how I used to secretly watch her.

"I fell in love at first sight...," her eyes lit up as she looked at me.

"Do you remember that rainy day when you were sitting on a stone at the entrance of the cave... and we met?" I said, gazing into her eyes.

"I remember...," she laughed. "But I recall that your tribe was very far away from our old cave. What were you doing there back then?" she asked.

"I was on a mission to find the perfect belle for me," I kissed her temple, and her eyes widened.

"Tell me I'm that perfect belle," she asked, her fingers mischievously roaming over my stomach.

"Yes, let me tell you my requirements for the perfect belle," I said, changing our position so that I was on top of her without putting any weight.

Her legs wrapped around my waist, and our arousals pressed against each other. I bit my lip as I thrust inside her wet cave.

"You are gentle to me and treat me equally" I kissed her lips.

"You don't fear the sky," I kissed her again, feeling her softness against my chest. She playfully kissed my Adam's apple.

"Beautiful," I kissed her eyes, and her hands began to scratch my back as I increased my pace.

"Unique," I huskily whispered, and as she started trembling, I pulled her hair and kissed her neck and the valley of her chest.

"Can dance for me" I changed our position and entered her from behind. She screamed.

"Caelum~~~fuck, ahhh, you're great," she moaned. It seemed someone liked to talk dirty.

"Tell me, baby... do you like me more?" I bit her rounded shoulder as I interlocked our hands.

"Ahh, I-I like you more~~"

"That's great~~" I huskily spoke in her ear, breathing heavily as I satisfied my desires again with her.

Afterward, she fell asleep. I used a wooden bowl and a fur to collect water from the stream and started cleaning her body.

I noticed that my marks on her body had disappeared after a while.

I slept beside her, wrapping my arms around her, and pulled the thick blanket I had sewn over us. I fell asleep but woke up at the slightest sound.

"Caelum" she murmured, and I rubbed her hands.

"Yes," I spoke softly, playing with her fingers. She lowered the blanket, and my gaze fell on our marks.

"I don't feel any pain after... intense activity. Do you think my healing power has increased?" she asked randomly.

"Maybe," I replied.

"I want to ask you something..." she nervously began.


"How do you feel when we change our personalities... do you feel like you're with a different person?" she asked.

"Nope... I feel the same, but I love all sides of you except one..." Her eyes widened, and I chuckled.

"It's not that I don't like her... but I fear her. It's as if I'm only worthy of loving her from a distance," I said as I gazed at her.

"Let me guess, it's Maya, right?" she laughed and added, "I also fear her."

"By the way, can we go now? I think it's very late," I nodded, and she continued, "What about this house? What if someone breaks in?"

"Don't worry," I reassured her, rubbing her head. She took out clothes from her space, which were from her world.

I transformed into a peacock, and she sat on my back, enjoying the breeze.

Suddenly, I stopped when I saw a red-headed person squatting on the ground Of Mountain path, where Most of Beast travel, and A herd of horses was running towards him at full speed.

"Damn!" I cursed under my breath and flew down.

"What happened, Caelum?" she asked, but I didn't answer as I flew down to pick him up when my feathers started hurting her. She rubbed my wings.

Something about her felt different.

"No!" I screamed when I felt her jump down, and the horses were getting closer and closer, I try to catch her.

I sighed in relief when I saw her land on the horse's back. Scared, I wanted to fly towards her, but my feathers hurt even more, causing me to fall down.

Dmm!! Rosa bastard!

26 December 2023


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