Chapter 33

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Freya POV

As we encountered Bambi on our way, I was taken aback upon seeing that a group of men had surrounded her, all of whom were part of her extensive harem. It was quite startling to see just how numerous they were.

"What happened to your eyes, Relly?" Bambi asked me as she looked into my eyes, her mate standing a few distances away from me.

I noticed she has white hair, and she was extremely fat, but she looks cute, and her white eyelashes really suit her.

Being fat here seems like a beauty standard.
"I'm not sure; perhaps something happened to my eyes," I fibbed. However, she earnestly nodded her head, She looked easy to deceive.

"Hhhaa.. Thank God I met you. Today I want to show my dance so I can get some more mates," she said excitedly.

More mate? Looking at her group of men, I fell silent.

"And you also take some more mates. Look, you only have four mates.. You need maybe from some herbivorous beau who are great at farming and making food. Or maybe you can find some high-level mates who can help you find fire from a priest and help you eat roasted meat. You know how hard it is to get a fire." Bambi spoke And she wasn't even giving me a chance to speak. Looking behind me, I saw my mate's darkened face.

"Bambi!! Bambi..." Trying to stop her, she stopped and looked at me with her

"I don't want another mate for now," I said softly to her.

Bambi pouted, "It's okay. But if you see more beau, you definitely can't control yourself to get them for yourself."


The much-awaited ceremony finally commenced in a vast open field, with a magnificent wooden stage that stole the show. Amidst the throngs of people, I found myself standing amongst my mates, ignoring the stares I was getting from a bunch of handsome guys, with groups of diverse animals flanking us on either side. The atmosphere was electrifying as we eagerly awaited the proceedings to begin.

A striking man with a voluminous beard resembling that of Santa Claus stood on stage. Despite his old age, his impressive facial hair and rugged good looks were still evident. In his hand, he held a massive flaming stick, emanating both warmth and danger.

Behind him are an old man named Adam and two more old men. I don't know them.

The rhythmic beats of drums emanated in the air, and soon the harmonic thumps engulfed my senses. The tribal music was a symphony of wild sounds, reaching my ears in a beautiful sequence. The howls of various animals interlaced with it and the melody it produced were deeply mesmerising.

As I observed the bearded man with his eyes closed in contemplation and his lips beginning to form rhythmic sounds, I couldn't help but feel intrigued. Soon, everyone around us followed suit, closing their eyes to join him in what seemed like a spiritual chorus. Compelled by their devotion, I too shut my eyes.

"From days of yore, a story was told."

Of sorrows and glory untold

God, bless us with your divine power.

Let no disaster come across our bow.

No Belle can starve to death in the winter.

Your healing touch has given us strength and empowerment.

Though cast in shadows of horrible sadness

We can try to put aside the madness.

The power of love can still bring you joy.

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