Chapter 30

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Charles POV

"As we made our way into our tribe, I couldn't help but notice the flurry of activity around us. The air was thick with excitement and anticipation as beastmen and belles bustled about, preparing for the upcoming ritual ceremony. It was well-known that many single beaus from other tribes would be coming to our tribe to find a mate, so it made sense that there was such a buzz in the air. The blessing ritual for the Beast God would commence soon, and afterwards, all the belles would take to the stage to showcase their skills, whether it be dance or some other talent. The real spectacle, however, would happen afterwards, when any interested male could challenge the belles of his choice to a duel with her mates. If he emerged victorious, he would be granted the honor of becoming that belle's mate. It was a thrilling event, and one that always drew a huge crowd.

I had already recovered; however, I couldn't shake my tendency towards laziness. It had become a habit, a comfortable routine that I couldn't bring myself to break out of. But, despite this indolent disposition, a fierce warrior still resided within me. I knew how to hunt and how to fight, and these skills were not easily forgotten. The only thing missing was the guidance and support of my beast father. In this vast world, his absence left me with only one option for survival - to kill or be killed.

At fifteen years old, I joined the tribe, only to discover that a strange disease had taken root in my body that was impossible to treat. This condition resulted in a rapid decline in my abilities, rendering me incapable of taking part in essential tribe activities such as hunting and protecting our territory. I began to lose my drive for life, believing that my inevitable death was drawing near. As desperation overtook me, I became a burden on others, losing all sense of self-reliance in favor of dependency on my fellow tribespeople to provide me with sustenance. In spite of my deteriorating physical state, my piercing gaze seemed to captivate others. Despite my affliction, to my surprise and delight, I found a mate and gained three cherished brothers who offered me unconditional love and support. I consider finding a mate a great blessing, as I witnessed the cruel and deadly lengths others went to in their desire to win a belle's affection.

Fiorella caught my attention the moment I laid eyes on her. She appeared out of nowhere, wandering aimlessly amidst the lush greenery of the jungle. Her long brown hair blew in tangles around her face as she scanned the surrounding area with wide eyes.

I was captivated by her natural beauty. Her dark brown eyes sparkled as if they held some untold secrets. Her ruby-red lips were parted in an expression of quiet contemplation. Even from a distance, I could see the fair quality of her skin, glowing with a natural flush.

But what really caught my attention was the thing she carried in her hands - a big leaf filled with the most mouthwatering dish I had ever tasted. The aroma wafting from it was making my mouth water and my heart race with excitement. It was in that moment that I decided I had to pester myself to this mysterious belle.

I have made up my mind to pester this charming belle for a bite of her food. However, as I approached her, I noticed that she was afraid of me. It struck me as quite amusing since most of the weak beaus in our tribe don't exhibit fear towards me. Despite my initial inclination to laugh, I took a closer look at her and realized that her emotions were genuine, and she truly believed I posed a threat. I couldn't help but feel slightly intrigued by this intriguing aspect of her character.

I saw next left me stunned - Sebastian was by her side. Despite his perpetually irritable demeanor, it dawned on me that he had been the one to generously provide me with food.

"When will we arrive at your cave?" Back to the present, Sebastian inquired me. He hasn't seen my original cave. Most of the time, I will wander in tribe, but for the first time, I was taking someone into my house.

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