Chapter 105

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Sebastian POV:

I sat on a chair as I watched Freya, who was working her magic on Rosa.

"Rosa, do you remember what I told you?" Freya asked as she tied his hair in a beautiful hairstyle.

"Yes... I am Rosa, the most arrogant female who doesn't even bat an eye at any male," Rosa spoke arrogantly.

"That's my Rosa," Freya's eyes sparkled as she looked at Rosa's face in the mirror.

I was no longer surprised. Back when I first saw it, my clear reflection of my face really surprised me.

And let me tell you, if I hadn't seen my beautiful mate, I would have been surprised by Rosa's beauty. he was going to pretend as Belle, Freya made him wear Belle's clothes. Although his figure was like a male's, it's okay because no one would doubt him. His face was enough to make any beau lose their mind.

And Freya and Rosa had a great bonding. According to her, Rosa was great at acting. I know what acting is. Back then, she almost gave us a shock.

"Remember, you're arrogant, but if any male tries to come closer, shoo them arrogantly. But remember, don't try to hurt their self-esteem. You're an arrogantly kind belle, yeah," Freya spoke as Rosa nodded his head.

I love how kind she was.

"I don't know how to do that," Rosa spoke confused, and curiosity was evident in his eyes. He seemed to be liking acting.

Yeah! That's why he was good at fake fainting.

I thought as I rolled my eyes.

"Sebastian," I came back to my senses as I heard Freya's voice. She raised her eyebrows at me. "What happened to you?"

"Nothing," I smiled at her as I walked back into the hall.

After giving Rosa an important lesson, she came to the hall with something in her hand. I raised my eyebrows.

"Luciano, come here," she spoke as she sat on the sofa, patting the space beside her.

Confused, Luciano sat beside her, and Freya asked him to transform into a beast.

My eyes widened as I watched her cut Luciano's fur. I shivered when I looked at Luciano, who was equally shocked as me.

Luciano growled.

"Don't worry, Luciano. I'm just trimming your fur. I won't make you a bald panther," she spoke as she patted his back, and he shivered.

I looked over there and saw Charles who came running from the door And Arnold too, who retreated back outside again.

Without making a sound, I ran into another room.

I shifted into a fox and lay there with my head in my paws, taking a little nap.

When I woke up, rubbing my eyes with my paws, I walked back into the room. I was surprised when I saw Luciano looking very neat.

But what surprised me more was that his ear fur had turned white, and he had a gorgeous white stripe on his beast head like a dog.

"How did you do that?" I asked, still shocked.

Freya giggled at my reaction. "It's temporary hair color that changes your hair color for some time."

And I saw Arnold, who also looked neatly trimmed. His orange and black stripes had turned golden and white, which made him look less intimidating.

And his cubs were pulling his whiskers and giggling.

"Dada, we awlso want to lwook lwike you," Leo giggled.

"Yes, we're bwored of the owrange cwolor," Leon also spoke.

"Hahaha," hearing him, Arnold looked helpless, and Freya giggled.

"Mom, can you also turn me into a white flower?" Ren asked, pulling Freya's hands. Freya smiled, took him in her arms, and kissed his cheek.

"But I like you as you are, my little pink rose flower," Ren blushed deep red. I felt happiness bubbling inside me I thought when I was going to have my own cub.

Anyway, after she comes back from Beast City, I am going to ask her about this.

But Her leaving me makes my heart twist with uneasiness.

"So, you're all going to pretend to be Rosa's mates?" I asked. Everyone looked at me.

"Yes, we all are going to pretend to be Rosa's mates," Freya answered.

I frowned. "What about you? And they don't have Rosa's scent on them."

"I have rose perfume and as for me....." Freya spoke and continued.

"I am going to pretend to be a male."

My eyes widened, hearing her statement.

30 January 2024

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