Chapter 96

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Alexander POV

"Unncle" the first one to wake up is Leo, he shouted, rubbing his misty eyes with his little paws, his fur around the eyes wet.

So cute.

I love Leon and Leo. I know I have zero chances of finding a mate, so having my own cubs is very difficult. I've always thought of Leon and Leo as my own cubs.

"Are you hungry?" I asked, trying to be gentle, though I knew it hardly worked as I couldn't even manage a smile.

"N-no, thank wyou, Unncle," Leo said as he sat up and walked towards me. He walked so cutely.

I softened as I watched him. He started rubbing his furry body against me, and I licked him, still in my lion form.

"Unclee!" My Another buddy, Leon, woke up. He looked very excited to see me. His fur stood up as he clumsily ran toward me and started climbing on my body.

"Swily" Leo laughed, showing his little tiger tooth.

"Yoooo!" He slid off my body and started climbing again, such a naughty cub.

I hope they always stay this playful and happy.

After feeding the tiger cubs, they started playing with each other while talking.

"Woah... I waant to bwecome like Fwlower," spoke Leon.

I wondered who they were talking about and listened intently.

"Me too! Fwlower kwilled dhat T-rex widthout dwoing anything," exclaimed Leo, looking excited.

"I misch her," Leon said, tears welling up in his eyes. I panicked, as leo also started crying.

"Leo, Leon, don't cry. Look, what if Flower sees you crying? She will be sad," I hurriedly comforted them.

"You are right, Uncle," Leo said, his eyes sparkling.


"Hhhh..." Suddenly, I was startled when I saw Arnold looking breathless, growling anxiously.

"We need to go," Arnold quickly spoke. I furrowed my brows.

"What happened, Arnold?" I asked.

"I don't have time to explain. Let's take the cubs on our backs and run," Arnold said, placing both cubs on his back. They gripped him tightly. I followed him as we ran.



When I heard the shouts from behind, I was shocked. We ran a distance, crossing the forest and entering the grassland.




T-rexes surrounded us, their growls almost shaking the ground and sky.

We stopped, and I looked at Arnold. He looked at me anxiously.

"Don't worry," I spoke. Today was going to be a bloodbath. I coldly stared at the bloody T-rexes.

"ROAR!" I roared.

I looked at Arnold, and he also growled. "Arnold, I'll distract them, and you run with the cubs."

"No, you can't fight alone... I—" Arnold spoke, but I stopped him, giving him a deep look.

"Listen, Arnold. I don't know what happened, but we need to think about the cubs first." I glared at him as I saw him about to refute.

"No, I can't lose you, Alexander," he looked at me sincerely.

My life is not that important, I thought.

"Go," I gritted my teeth as I growled at Arnold.

"No..." Arnold refused to go.

"I will survive. Just come back to save me. Listen, Arnold, if you don't run, we both die. Look, the cubs are scared," I spoke, gazing at the T-rexes.

They started attacking us, and Arnold dodged their attacks.

"GO!" I shouted.

He looked at me one last time. "I will come back. Stay alive," he said as he ran. The T-rexes started chasing him, and I attacked one of them, scratching its vital parts.


It started shaking, and I fell to the ground as blood started coming from my mouth.

I'm sure my white fur is now bloody red.

"Growl..." Many of them surrounded me, and I fought back, refusing to give up.

"Catch him alive," I heard as I was thrown to the ground from the T-rex's mouth.

I felt sharp pain all over my body as the T-rex bit me deeply. As I was lifted, I struggled.

Then, I fainted.

12 January 2024

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