Chapter 83

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Author POV

"ROSA LENTUS!" The loud growl of Luciano echoed through the air, jolting everyone awake.

Caelum rubbed his eyes, feeling a slight headache. It was a sensation he had never experienced before; he must have fallen into a deep sleep today. As he stirred, he noticed someone squirming in his arms. He looked down.

"ROSA," Caelum gritted his teeth. There he was, sleeping beside him with his head on his arms, one hand wrapped around his waist, completely naked.

"Wife, don't cause trouble~~~" Rosa sweetly murmured in his sleep.

Pushing him away, Caelum exclaimed, "ROSA LENTUS, WAKE UP!"

As Rosa woke up, he Heard "Come downstairs."

When he went downstairs, he found everyone already gathered there.

"What happened?" I asked.

"What happened... What would have happened if some wild beast attacked us? Ask him what he did," growled Luciano. After drinking that juice, he felt something was wrong, but he dismissed the thought. However, when sleepiness overwhelmed him, he slept deeply and didn't wake up once.

Whenever Beastmen sleep, they are always attentive to even the slightest movements at night to prevent any danger.

As Rosa came downstairs, he felt everyone's gaze on him. He looked at his wife, who was sitting on the sofa with no emotions in her black eyes. Ren was sitting next to her mother.

"Wife" he wanted to run towards her, but as s
he took a step, his arms held him back. He looked displeased at the owner of those arms.

Seeing it was Sebastian, who was looking down at him expressionlessly.

"What did you give us in our food yesterday?" Sebastian's anger was evident in his voice.

"I didn't do anything..." Rosa shivered and spoke, avoiding eye contact.

"TELL ME!" Sebastian roared, his bluish-grey eyes throwing sharp looks at Rosa.

"I-I..." Rosa stuttered.

"Don't lie, or else get out of the house," Sebastian said, shocking everyone. They had never seen Sebastian this angry before.

"Intox-ication fruits and be-ll seeds," he stuttered. Intoxicated fruits make people lose their minds and bring out their darkest desires, which he gave to his wife. And he gave bell seeds to the others so they could sleep peacefully without disturbing the two of them.

Hearing this, everyone fell silent.

But suddenly, something fell to the ground. It was a pearl, falling one after another.

Startled, everyone looked at Luca.

His eyes were red, and tears flowed like pearls. He fell to the ground, and Ethan quickly supported him.

Flo was also shocked because Pearls falling from his eyes and walked toward him.

"What happened, Luca?" she asked, her words unable to leave her mouth as he raised his eyes and intensely looked at her, his eyes filled with strong emotions.

"You... you don't remember anything," Luca's voice trembled.

"No," Flo replied. She truly didn't remember anything. She only recalled falling asleep with Charles, but when she woke up, she was alone.

"Hahaha, I'm a fool" Luca laughed, and more tears flowed from his eyes. His body started shaking.

"Luca, why... what happened?" she asked again, but he didn't reply.

"Luca" Luciano spoke, "tell us what happened."

"Yes, please, Luca, don't cry," Sebastian added.

Ethan patted his back.

"Is what happened related to Rosa?" Caelum asked, and Rosa trembled.

"I didn't do anything to him," Rosa shook his head.

Flo stared at Luca and closed distance between them. She took his hand gently and asked in the softest voice, "What happened, Luca?"

"Yesterday... you," Luca spoke, his voice shaking. "You promised to be my mate."



"What?" Rosa exclaimed first. "No..."

Flo's eyes widened as all the events from yesterday flooded her mind.

She closed her eyes.

Luca looked at her, feeling even sadder. More tears streamed down his face.

"I take responsibility," Flo said as She cupped his face in her hands. "Don't cry, Luca. Your tears are more valuable than anything." She kissed his forehead.

A smile bloomed on Luca's face, but he was still crying.

"Oh, Luca, why are you crying again?" Flo panicked.

"I am so happy," Luca stopped crying.

"Guys, do you accept Luca as part of our family?" Flo asked her mates.

"I don't mind," Sebastian replied. He had no problem with Luca. Unlike Belles he have seen, who had many mates, he knew that with her beauty, many suitors would try to court her.

"I don't mind either," Ethan and Caelum chimed in.

"Where are Charles and Ren?" Flo asked.



Everyone looked down, and there were Charles and Ren, picking up the fallen pearls.

"Hahahahaha!" Everyone laughed together.

"It's a celebration. Why not have Luciano and Luca complete their mating ceremony together?" Sebastian suggested.

"Yes!" Everyone was filled with joy, especially Luciano and Luca. Their smiles never faded.

Rosa let out a sigh of relief, wanting to slip away.

"Rosa Lentus~~where are you running off to?" Caelum teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he watched Rosa.

"I'm not running, I'm just... going," Rosa replied anxiously, his gaze darting around. "Yes! I don't feel good, I need sleep."

"Oh, I remember something," Caelum tilted his head curiously. "What are you doing in my room and in my arms?" He emphasized the last word, his tone playful.

"I don't know," Rosa answered, fear evident in his eyes as he looked around. Then, his gaze fell upon Flo. "Oh... wife," he uttered, and suddenly, he collapsed onto the ground.

We exchanged glances, surprised by Rosa's sudden fainting "Is he really fainted?" I asked.

"Let me check," Charles spoke, in animal language as he approached Rosa cautiously. He stiffened and growled near Rosa's ear.

I watched Rosa, his eyelashes flickering and his body trembling.

Charles then placed his head on Rosa's stomach, and his furry head started tickling him.

"Hahaha! Stop, stop, Charles!" Rosa burst into laughter, pushing away the big jaguar head. "Bahhhhhh!"

Flo Also laughed.

In the end, Rosa was given the punishment of cleaning the whole house.

"We need to prepare for the celebration," Charles said, holding Ren's hand. "Right, buddy?"

"Yes, me and Charles Daddy are going to prepare," Ren replied in the cutest voice.

"And we're going to celebrate in our backyard," Charles added.

"Okay, okay! Go, go!" Sebastian chimed in, encouraging everyone to get ready for the festivities.

"Great" Flo eyes turned Violet.

30 December 2023

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