Chapter 107

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Author POV

After the season of Sparky, everything was looking cheerful. The flowers were still blooming, and the sun's rays were shining through the tall trees and leaves.

A snake was sliding on a bench, while small animals hid in the bushes when they heard a sound. The Golden-eyed predator hid behind the bushes, paying sharp attention to the small movements of a rabbit. The rabbit was hopping around, looking around cautiously.

The predator walked forward silently, slowly approaching the prey without being noticed. Suddenly, he lunged forward and bit the rabbit's neck sharply, causing it to die.

Luciano spat out blood as his dangerous eyes flashed. He carried the prey in his mouth, and his sharp canine tooth was bloody. He walked towards a nearby water source where everyone else was gathered.

He washed the prey, knowing it wouldn't be enough for everyone. However, he had more food stored away in space, so there was no need to worry. Then, he took out various spices from his stash to roast the rabbit.

They had been running day and night, only taking short breaks to eat, wash themselves, or use the bathroom.

"You caught a rabbit," Aurora asked. She was still dressed in male clothes, which surprised everyone at first, but they had gotten used to it.

"I guess there are only rabbits and small animals around here. I didn't find any big prey nearby," Luciano said as he handed the meat to Caelum, who started adding spices and making a fire to roast it.

"So, the Beast City is a very developed area, right?" Aurora asked, looking at Arnold.

"Yup! We can only buy a cave there with two big pieces of meat. Beast City also holds a ceremony called the 'Most Beautiful Belle of Beast City.' If a female wins, she is given the most powerful single beau in Beast City and better treatment," Arnold replied.

Hearing this, Aurora's attention shifted to Rosa, who was already looking at her intently.

Seeing her looking at him, Rosa became shy and blushed. "Wife, do you want anything?" he asked.

"Yes," she replied in her monotonous voice.

"What are you thinking?" Caelum asked, noticing her expression.

"When is that ceremony going to be held?" she asked.

"I don't know, but it usually starts in the beginning of heating days," Arnold replied.

"That's when we're going to execute our plan. Rosa, be ready to participate in the ceremony," Aurora's stern eyes flashed with determination as she smirked.

Everyone looked at her in shock, but now they understood her intentions.

After eating, they resumed their journey. They traveled for a whole day and finally stopped some distance away from Beast City.

They saw large wooden gates, and many beastmen were patrolling them. There was a lot of noise and activity coming from inside.

3 Feburary 2024

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