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"So," Fiorella raised her brows as she looked at her daughter.

"Pwetty pwease?" Skittle's eyes were wide, her big golden eyes blinking cutely.

"Mummmmmmmm," she pouted as she spoke.

"Nope! If your daddy knows you went to play with a boy, you will be grounded in the house," Fiorella spoke, trying to control her laughter as she saw Skittle pouting and mumbling something.

"Okay, you can go, but on one condition," Fiorella spoke again, leaning on the sofa with a smile as she watched her daughter's face brighten.

"Yay! Tell me qwuickly," Skittle jumped happily.

"Well, you have to kiss me," Fiorella laughed and pointed at her cheeks.

"Muaaaa," Skittle kissed her both cheeks loudly, pouting her pink lips.

"Now, cwan I go?" Skittle spoke.

"Okay," she said as she watched her leave with a smile.

Skittle knew that if she went to ask her dad for permission, he would reject her. So, whenever she wanted permission, she always went to her mom.

Even her doting daddy, Sebastian, didn't let her play with boys.

Daddy Luciano and Daddy Charles infected every other Daddy.


As little Skittle walked outside, she saw her new friend, Noah.

"Skittle!" Noah shouted. He had a serious face, but when he saw his new friend, his face brightened.

"Wow, Noah, let's go play," Skittle spoke as Noah transformed into a small lion, his furry face beaming.

And she also transformed into a baby jaguar. She was very fluffy, and beside her eyes, she had heart-shaped spots.

The two little cubs ran away from home to play around.

Since Beastcity had developed, there were many guards, and most people knew Skittle, so most of the time they didn't have to worry.

They ran through the grass, playfully rolling and kicking each other with their small paws.

However, Skittle's ears perked up when she heard a conversation, and Noah heard it too.

"Daddy! My mates refused to provide for me... And they left me," Lisa cried.

"Darn it! And that Tiger King also left. He feels guilty now... If he wants revenge, we can easily do it because he has many loyal beasts," Cockroach King spoke.

Actually, they were cockroaches, so they came here crawling, hiding. No one even knew.

"It's all that bitch Fiorella's fault," they said.

At that moment, they didn't know what was about to happen.

"Ahhh!" they screamed when they were suddenly beaten with a large stick.

They saw a little girl and boy looking down at them.

"Noah, there are many cwcockroaches in Beastcity. We should kill them when we sweee them," Skittle spoke.

"Yeah... Yeah, or else they'll make us sick," Noah agreed.

And they started beating the big Cockroach King and Lisa.

"Owww...let us go"

Lisa Cockroach and her cockroach dad were caught because a guard Beastman saw the children beating the cockroaches, so he hurried over.

But it was too late....

They had already died....

Cockroaches are easy Kill... see even children can do.


"Oh, where have you been, little Skittle?" Ethan spoke when he saw Skittle sneaking inside the house.

"Daddy Ethan, hwelp me," Skittle raised her hands to be picked up.

He smiled and picked her up, then walked inside. She started playing with his hair and touching his face.

"Oh, Skittle, you know how to come back," Skittle shivered in fear as she saw her dad, Charles, coming.

"Daddy Ethan, save me, save me. Oh no, Dad already knows," she spoke as she hugged his neck tighter.

"Oh, now you dare to hide." Actually, Charles was very lazy and cute, but when it came to his daughter, he would pamper her and give her the best, but...

However, his daughter was very naughty, liked to disobey, and only played with boys to challenge him.

"Charles, she's still a cub. Let her go," Ethan spoke as he felt his heart melting when Skittle showed him her big wet eyes.

However Charles ignored Ethan who was also caught in Skittle cuteness web.

"I know you went out with Noah." Charles spoke, folding his arms. "Skittle, don't dare to try cute; I have done that alo- I mean, you'll find a new dad if you don't listen to me."

"I already have nine more daddies," Skittle smugly said.

"But don't think of me as your dad," Charles spoke angrily as he looked at his little Skittle.

"Okay," Skittle spoke happily. "From now on, my new dad is Ethan Daddy," she said as she hugged Ethan even more tightly.

"Let's go, Ethan Daddy," she said. Ethan laughed and took her upstairs.

"Wait," Charles shouted and followed them.

"I am going to complain to your mom."

"Baby Skittle, Dad misses you,"


Fiorella: Journey To Beast WorldWhere stories live. Discover now