Chapter 15

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Relly POV

I died!

I died!

Can you believe I died choking on water?

I don't know what happened. Now I was trapped in a neon green light. I looked around, unsure of where I am or what to do.

Is that what happens when we die? I just walked around trying to find a way to escape.

Then I heard a voice, similar to mine but more charming and softer.

Startled, I stopped in my tracks and tried to focus on the source of the voice. It seemed like it was coming from deep within my own mind. Confused, I suddenly felt like I was being taken over by some kind of energy.

When the feeling subsided, three distinct personalities had taken over my consciousness: Freya, Fiorella, and Flo. Each personality had its own memories, traits, and preferences - all of which were drastically different from who I normally am.

They're part of me, making me excited. So, does rebirth exist?

And when I opened my eyes, I already had their memories.

I felt like I had full control over my body. I opened my eyes and saw an extremely charming man with deep golden eyes like the finest gold, his face flawless, his lustrous light pink lips and defined facial features with his short dark hair.

I stared blankly at him. Never have I ever seen such a charming, handsome man.

When he saw me wake up, his eyes began to gather tears as he held back.

I sat up and looked around. Sure enough, this cave resembled primitive caves from ancient times. I stood up, dusted off my clothes, and analyzed the surroundings. This cave had multiple chambers on both sides. I think it was Fiorella's idea.

Sebastian! Oh my God! Why are they so handsome? He was no less than Charles.

His bluish-grey eyes were captivating and charming, hooking my soul. And those plump lips, as he bit them while holding his brother's hand, he looked so sexy.

STOP!!! Relly, you need to treat the patient.

And his silver hair was so silky and long, like the finest silk.

STOP!!! Okay, now I really need to stop.

My eyes fell on the man whose face was covered in blood, his body riddled with wounds, his hands shaking.

"Take him to the inner room," I said to them, feeling the seriousness of the matter.

"Y-yes," Sebastian said to me as he and Charles took him in.

I released my consciousness in my mind.

Flo's space. I know she has space. Fiorella and Freya don't know because they only have a little bit of memory of her, but I know she has space. I don't know how I know, but my mind was telling me about it in this emergency situation.

On the spot, I saw space in my conscious mind. It was so big. Literally, she had many things in her space, like she had emptied many malls and hospitals in an apocalypse world of hers.

There was also a big mansion with three floors. It was really a jackpot.

I walked behind them and asked them for wet wipes and water.

I checked Sebastian's brother's pulse. It was very weak. I don't know who beat him so badly until he was left barely breathing.


"You two, now get out," I ordered them as I pulled out alcohol, bandages, some medical supplies, and medicines that he might need for treatment.

I wiped his face and body, which was covered in blood. That might have caused an infection.

When I wiped his face, I saw an extremely handsome man, different from Sebastian and Charles in charm. He looked extremely beautiful and peaceful, with soft facial features, long and curled eyelashes, pale lips, and long brown hair.

I quickly averted my attention and wiped his body. It was a big distraction for me, as his figure was really good-

Okay, I'll stop here. I admired him after treating him.

I quickly assessed the situation and began treating him.

I cleaned and dressed the wounds, stabilized the broken ribs, stopped the bleeding, and then gave him painkillers to help ease the pain. I put a pill in his mouth as he swallowed, helping him drink water.

Despite the severity of the injuries, I was able to treat him successfully. After several hours of hard work, I was done treating him.

I covered him with animal skin in the bed, and I thought after washing, I will find comfortable clothes for him to wear.


I walked out of the cave. I needed a long, fresh bath as I had blood on my hands.

I asked them if they had extra water, and when they nodded, I went to the washroom.

After washing, I took a simple dress from the space and wore it, then went to the main hall.

I saw Charles in his animal form, sitting on the ground against the wall of the cave.

I don't know why, but looking at him, he showed symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome.

"I think you also need treatment," I told him as I smiled at him.

Charles looked at me stunned and shook his head, indicating he didn't know about this disease he has.

"I will treat you," I told him as I headed towards the inner cave, leaving the stunned cute jaguar alone.

I found a loose new hospital gown for him and asked Sebastian to help me put it on, which he did without question.

"Sebastian," I called him. He looked shocked as he realized something.

"Relly, my name is Relly," I told him as I was pulled into a tight hug.

"Thank you, thank you so much. If you weren't here, I don't know what would have happened to my brother. Thank you so much, my love," I felt wetness on my shoulder as we broke the hug. I wiped his wet eyes. He looked at me with so much gratitude and love, and I felt awkward and shy.

"It's okay, we are mates," I said. I never expected I would tell him. We had just met.

Sebastian smiled at me. It was breathtaking. I blushed. Never did I think that one day, Dr. Relly would blush shyly because of a charming beast.

After Sebastian left, a smile made its way to my face as I remembered our conversation.

I checked Sebastian's brother's injury again to see if anything was wrong.

I forgot to ask Sebastian his name.

When I checked his shoulder injury, he woke up. He looked at me with his beautiful honey eyes. He seemed lost in thought.

"Done," I said when I finished checking all his injuries. "You have a fast healing ability."

I didn't know if this was normal for a person. How much time would it take for healing?

"What's your name?" I still didn't know his name, so I asked him. When he batted his eyelashes at me, I felt butterflies in my stomach.

I think he couldn't speak because of severe injury, so I told him my name.

After taking out a glass from the space, I mixed medicine in water and asked him to drink, which he did without question. He was obedient.

I took a bowl and put it on the tray that I had pulled out during treatment.

When I turned, I saw Sebastian's brother breathing heavily, with sweat on his forehead. He was having a panic attack.

"Relax," I patted his head and held his hand, trying to calm him down.

"Breathe in, breathe out."


"You are strong. Nothing can happen to you."

When he relaxed, I sighed in relief as he fell asleep.

4 May 2023,

(1250 words - longest chapter I ever wrote.)

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