Chapter 125

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Arnold POV:

"I am nervous," I said, feeling these emotions for the first time.

"Why are you nervous if she didn't agree then..." Sirius showed his fangs.

"Then we have to chase her again," Alexander rolled his eyes. He became more confident because of Fiorella, who provided knowledge to everyone that incomplete beasts are not cursed but blessed.

Since then, Alexander became very famous among the belles, but he only liked her, We walked into the living room.

And then we saw her.

She had long brown hair and was sitting near the window reading book.

Although I missed her all personality, let me tell you, her eyes changed according to her moods and personality, and they haven't disappeared but have become one with her.

She was wearing white clothes and looked even more mature and charming.

She always had a smile on the corner of her lips.

And most wild in bed... Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to listen to them or try to peek.

"We have something to tell you," I spoke first.

"Hmm! What do you want to tell me?" She raised her brows charmingly and spoke gently.

We looked at each other and finally spoke, "Not here, but..."

"Okay! Where?" She raised her brows again.

"Y-you sit on my back, we will take you," Alexander stuttered.

We had already informed Sebastian, and he would handle the kids.

And with that, we led her to the special place we had arranged and finally stopped near a big tree. She climbed down from Alexander's back, and we shifted into our beast forms.

"Close your eyes," I whispered near her ear huskily.

We looked at each other and nodded. Then, holding her soft hands, we led her inside.

"Open your eyes, baby!" Sirius spoke as she opened her eyes, which flashed a gorgeous hue of violet and black.

It's was actually hidden Lake we found. Its waters shimmered in a delicate hue of light blue, reflecting the azure sky above. Towering trees adorned with blossoms of pink encircled the tranquil oasis, their petals gently cascading to the ground, there were also beautiful colorful butterflies dancing around.

She looked around curiously and then me.

"I need to share something with you, Fiore.

*Deep breath*

Will you be the mother of my cubs and my partner?

From the moment I first laid eyes on you, I felt something special.

You're everything to me.

I know I'm not flawless, but will you be my better half?" I said suddenly, kneeling before her, gently kissing her hands.

And she was looking at me blankly.

"Shh--" Sirius hissed as he put his chin on her neck, taking deep breaths. His eyes flashed with obsessive desires. "I need you desperately, Fiorella, you don't know... whenever I imagine my future, I imagine us... my love, my baby... my desire... are you willing to be my mate?"

Alexander perked up his ears and tail, and his blue eyes flashed with deep emotions. "You don't know, but you are my confidence... you made me believe I am not cursed but blessed. You have no idea how much I love you. I am willing to sacrifice myself for you. Are you willing to be my mate?"

"We're willing to kill anyone for you," Sirius and I spoke together.



I nervously waited.

Alexander and Sirius also waited eagerly.

"I-" she started, looking at me. Her expression was unreadable.

Suddenly, her eyes flashed with a beautiful pinkish light, and a smile appeared on the corner of her lips. "Sure."

"Ahhh," she screamed when we surrounded her.

I kissed her lips hungrily.

And from behind, Sirius started kissing her neck.

Alexander began rubbing her waist and breasts.

"Guys... not in the open, please," she moaned, throwing her head back.

"We're beasts, remember, darling? We like everything open and wild," Sirius smirked as he spoke.

"Nahh..." She started moaning as Alexander's hands became naughty.

Biting her lips, I entered my tongue inside her mouth.

"Not in the open... ah," Sirius bit her neck and held her hips.

"So if we're not out in the open, will you let us do whatever we want?" Alexander asked, smirking.

"Yeah," she said, her eyes clouded with desire.

"Sure, we already have a built cave here, specially with a big bed..." I spoke, smirking.

"You guys... you already know what I am going to say and prepared everything....." she spoke, her eyes widened.

"Yeah, we already thought once 'yes' left your lips... you're going straight to our bed," Sirius spoke huskily, breathing deeply.

"Now we're going to mark you beastly and wildly."


I hope you guys enjoyed the story. 😊 Don't worry, I'll also provide an epilogue and side stories soon.

Once again, thank you!

28 March 2024

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