Chapter 6

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When I woke up from my nap, I realized it was still afternoon, and Sebastian hadn't returned yet.

Curiosity got the better of me, so I decided to venture outside and take a look around.

As I continued my exploration, I heard a peculiar sound coming from the bushes nearby. Feeling a mixture of fear and intrigue, I cautiously approached the source of the noise.

To my surprise, the bushes shook, and a small rabbit emerged, happily munching on some green plants. Startled by my presence, it darted away into the distance.

Intrigued, I followed the rabbit's trail and stumbled upon a hidden spot where I found various familiar vegetables and spices growing wild, ones that only used to grow in my hometown. It was a surprise to discover them here in the forest!

Not too far from there, I found some flat stones that seemed perfect for starting a fire. Gathering some dry leaves and wood, I made preparations for a potential roasted meat dinner.

I wanted to explore further into the forest to see if I could find anything else. However, as the sun began to set, I realized that darkness would soon envelop the area. Uncertain of the potential dangers that awaited me in the night, I made the prudent choice to return to the safety of the cave.

As I made my way back to the cave, the sky grew darker, and Sebastian was still nowhere to be seen.

Today, luck was on my side, and I had collected some flat stones earlier that I thought would be ideal for starting a fire. After some trial and error, sparks began to fly as I rubbed the stones together. With a pile of twigs and leaves, I eventually managed to ignite a fire.

While gazing at the darkened sky adorned with stars and constellations, hunger gnawed at my stomach.

Without wasting any time, I retrieved the large vegetable that resembled a potato. Roasting it over the crackling fire, its mouthwatering aroma filled the air as it cooked to perfection.

I felt proud of myself for being resourceful and able to make a tasty meal in the wild. After peeling the roasted vegetable, I took a bite and enjoyed its delicious flavor. It had a nice, slightly salty taste that made me happy.

Satisfied with my makeshift dinner, I settled down on the fur bed, staring out into the night. However, an inexplicable heaviness settled upon my heart, and a wave of worry washed over me. Where could Sebastian be? Did something happen to him?

"Fiore!" I heard a blur of white rushing towards me, wrapping its arms around me in a tight embrace. I hugged the figure's neck tightly, feeling the warmth that I had missed during its absence.

The figure transformed back into Sebastian, but to my surprise, he was completely naked. Embarrassment tinged my cheeks with a rosy hue.

"What happened, Sebastian? Why are you late? Is everything alright?" I inquired, noticing the tears glistening in his eyes.

"Fiore, that woman has been tormenting my older brother again," Sebastian confessed, seeking solace in my embrace as I comfortingly stroked his back.

"What? Please tell me more about it," I urged, my concern growing as he rested his head on my lap.

"Sandra, that woman forcefully married my brother. But their relationship is anything but loving. She treats him horribly, neglecting him and bringing other partners into their lives. She even engages in intimate acts right in front of him, making his existence a living nightmare," Sebastian explained, wiping away his tears before continuing.

"Today, she instructed her new partners to beat him mercilessly. He endured the pain and put on a brave face for my sake, but I could see the truth behind his smile. He's far from okay."

My heart filled with sympathy for Sebastian's brother, but I couldn't fathom why Sandra would take multiple partners. It seemed against the law and common decency.

"Can she really have multiple partners? Isn't that against the law?" I asked, my confusion evident.

"Belles can have as many partners as they desire," Sebastian replied, his gaze fixed on the cave's ceiling. The revelation left me utterly shocked.

I do not find any book of my liking right now So i have much inspiration. however once I Found book of my liking, I Don't know if I have inspiration anymore 💀

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