Chapter 110

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Luciano POV

As we finally settled into our cave, I couldn't shake the worry as I paced around her. It pained me to see her like this. Despite offering water and pears, she declined for the first time, insisting on green mangoes. With a hopeful heart, I watched Caelum fly off to fetch them, knowing it was just the beginning of the heating days and the mango season, i don't know if he finds them.

"Your symptoms resemble pregnancy," Arnold's sudden remark caught me off guard, and I froze, my gaze dropping to her stomach.

Her typically stern eyes softened with shock. "Pregnant," she muttered, and the realization hit me like a lightning bolt.

Little lives were stirring inside her belly. I approached her, sitting beside her on the sack, my hand hesitantly reaching out to touch her stomach. She stiffened, and I quickly withdrew, my heart racing. "I am pregnant," Aurora muttered again, her eyes gleaming with happiness.

"For real," Sirius's cold voice pierced the moment, his dark eyes turning even darker. Though I cared little for him, my mind raced with thoughts of whose cubs lay within her.

I don't care who is Beast father of cubs, the prospect of a new family member filled me with joy. I hoped for a daughter, resembling her mother—a princess among seven daddies. We would sew her beautiful dresses, offer her the finest food, and shower her with love. I vowed to protect her from any unworthy suitors, though I wouldn't mind if  cubs were male. But my heart yearned for a little princess like her.

Lowering my head, I kissed her stomach gently through her clothes, feeling her shiver beneath my touch. "Hi, baby girl," I whispered softly, my longing evident.

Her tender hand ruffled my hair, and I lifted my head, smiling warmly at her. "I am so happy," I confessed, tears welling in my eyes as I lifted my head from her stomach.

"Me too," Rose exclaimed, joining us, and I smiled at him

Sirius POV:

Watching them bask in happiness, I felt a pang of envy and resentment. I slipped out of the cave, followed by Arnold.

Crowds always grated on my nerves, and I was grateful for the scheduled cave they gave us.

"Sirius," Arnold's voice broke the silence, and I turned to face him, eyebrows furrowed in annoyance.

"What?" I snapped, my mood sour.

"You like her, don't you?" he pressed, and I rolled my eyes.

"Isn't it obvious? I like her, everyone knows except her," I admitted bitterly. The thought of her being Luca mate gnawed at me from within, fueling my jealousy.

"I like her too," Arnold confessed quietly, and I raised an eyebrow. "Before, I hesitated to pursue her, but now... I not only want to pursue her but also to make her mother of my cubs," he confessed, a hopeful smile gracing his sweaty face.

"Will she accept you, though?" I questioned skeptically, doubting any belle would accept a second-hand beastman.

"Nope, you're wrong," he retorted, a smirk playing on his lips. "Do you know Ethan? He was Sebastian's brother and already mated once, yet he still became her mate."

The realization hit me like a ton of stones—I had been living among them for days, oblivious to their connection.

"Get to the point," I urged impatiently. Arnold smirked knowingly, his gaze locking with mine. "We help each other become her mates," he smirked.

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