Chapter 4

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I gently took the boar meat from the corner and handed it to Fiorella. "Eat it if you're hungry," I said, sitting down beside her.

She stared blankly at the meat in my hands. Maybe she didn't like meat because many Belles prefer fruits. "I don't eat raw meat," she said, pushing the meat back towards me. I was confused. Why didn't she eat raw meat? Every Beastman and Belle I knew enjoyed it.

"Then maybe you can tell me how you want to eat it!" I asked, unsure of what other types of meat she might eat.

"I want to eat cooked meat if possible," she replied. Cooked meat? I tried to remember if I had ever encountered cooked meat before, but nothing came to mind.

I lowered my eyes in shame. "Sorry, Fiorella. I don't know anything about cooked meat. I'm sorry," I said, tears welling up in my eyes. I knew I must have looked ugly and lost some of my masculine image in front of her. I felt even more defeated.

"Sebastian, you don't have to feel sorry. It's normal, okay?" she said, patting my shoulder.

"Fiorella, wait for me!" I shouted as I ran outside.

I quickly found a big fruit tree near my cave, not too far away. I transformed into a fox and climbed the tree. I took many red fruits that tasted very sweet and wrapped them in a big leaf. With the bundle in my mouth, I ran back to the cave, eager to share it with Fiorella.

I placed the fruits in front of her and looked at her expectantly. My tail swayed back and forth as I watched her eyes widen in amazement. "So earlier, you went to get these fruits?" she asked, and I nodded.

"Do you want to eat some?" Fiorella asked me. I shook my head, indicating that I didn't particularly enjoy eating fruits.

She started eating, taking bites of the red fruit that was larger than her soft hands. She closed her eyes, savoring the taste with each bite, and I sat there admiring her beauty.

"Thank you, Sebastian! It was very delicious," she said, licking her lips. I don't know why, but her action made me feel something stir within me.

I found myself smiling in my animal form, so I transformed back into my human form. As I changed, I noticed a disappointed look in her eyes. Did that mean she preferred my animal form?

"It's my duty to please you, Fiorella," I said, and upon hearing my words, her cheeks turned red. Wow, she was even more beautiful like this.

"So, Fiorella, do you have any mates before?" I asked, wanting to know more about her.

"Yes," she replied, and I felt my heart break upon hearing those words.

"So, where is he... or maybe he also died in a misfortune that your tribe bore?" I wondered aloud. Her eyes became teary, and normally, Belles didn't care much about their mates. They could choose as many as they wanted.

"He left me for another woman," she began to cry. I panicked and hugged her tightly. I didn't know how to comfort her, but I still had questions. Who was that bastard beau who left such a wonderful Belle alone for another woman?

I held her tighter, and she stiffened in my arms, hiccuping. She looked at me with her wet eyes, like a newborn deer cub with those honey-colored eyes.

I wiped her tears from her soft cheeks before hugging her again.

"Fiorella, can you be my mate?" I asked her directly. I would make her forget about her previous mate, and soon, her eyes would only have me.

"What...?" Her eyes widened, and I placed my finger on her lips before saying, "Don't reject me, Fiorella. I know we only just met, and I'm confessing to you, but I want to become your mate and make you forget about him," I said with confidence, even though my heart was in a panic.

I awaited her answer.

"But I have someone else in my heart. It's unfair to you," she said, separating from the hug.

Heart? What was that?

"Heart?" I asked her, shooting a confused gaze towards her.

"It's where you feel your heartbeat and feelings," she explained, taking my hands and placing them on my chest where my heart was located. I felt it beating fast, likely due to the earlier confession I made.

"I don't care who you have in your so-called heart," I said, taking her hands and rubbing them. I looked into her eyes. "I will make you fall in love with me, with only me in your eyes," I declared, even if she didn't accept me, I would be resigned to die alone.

Oh! Hi;) I wanna tell you female lead was not weak, not only she will have Cheat in Beast World But Also power. You will know latter 😉

And Most of POV are Male leads, Bcz it's fun to write their Thoughts.

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