Chapter 11

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Author POV

Sebastian and Charles presented Freya with flowers. She smiled at them and accepted the flowers, sniffing them.

Charles stepped forward with a mischievous glint in his eye. He reached up to tuck back an errant strand of hair and proclaimed, "Your voice is beautiful."

"Yeah! Your singing is the best I have ever heard," Sebastian complimented her.

"Thank you," Freya said, her violet eyes sparkling in delight.

Charles and Sebastian locked eyes and nodded.

Charles transformed into his jaguar beast form, and Sebastian picked Freya up from under her armpits. She exclaimed as he placed her on Charles' back. Charles picked up speed, and they began running through the forest, with Sebastian closely following.

They weaved around trees effortlessly and soared over rivers. The feeling of being one with nature, combined with the smoothness of Charles' fur and the gentle wind ruffling through Freya's hair, was simply indescribable.

Finally, after hours of riding, they safely returned to their nest. Sebastian removed the stone from the entrance, and Freya hopped down from Charles. They went inside to the main room.

"Freya, are you sure about being mates with us?" Sebastian asked, and Freya nodded shyly.

Freya POV:

The next second, Sebastian leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. His kiss was passionate and intense, taking my breath away. He moved his mouth over mine, biting my lips softly as he pulled away. I put my hands in his hair as I felt Charles’ lips leaving wet trails of kisses down my neck.

My heart raced as we continued to kiss, forgetting where we were and what we were doing.

"I, Sebastian from the Fox Tribe, am willing to devote my whole life to my mate for the rest of my life," violet light surrounded us as everything around became blurred, and I could only see Sebastian when the light subsided. Then I heard,

"I, Charles from the Fox Tribe, am willing to devote my whole life to my mate for the rest of my life," another violet light enveloped us as everything went blurry again, and the last thing I saw was Charles' face before I fainted.

What just happened? What about the mating process I thought I was going to do with them?

I awakened to find two animals, a jaguar and a fox, sleeping peacefully at my feet. A strange sensation caused me to look down at my chest.

"Oh my God!" Near my chest, there were very small jaguar and fox tattoos that looked extraordinarily beautiful, intertwining with each other in a side profile. It covered only a small area, and when I touched it and started rubbing gently, it disappeared. Panic rose in my chest, but it reappeared when I rubbed it again and again.

I got up from our bed without making a sound and went to the main hall. The entrance was not covered with a stone, and it was already early morning.

I noticed freshly hunted meat in the corner, meaning they had only slept until now.

Thank God I didn't disturb them. I sat on the stone chair at the entrance of the cave, relaxing in the cool breeze, thinking about making new underwear because the current ones were really uncomfortable.

I noticed that our cave was in a perfect location, with the forest ending on the left side and grassland on the right side.

It was a beautiful morning, with the sun shining brightly in the sky. The birds were singing, and the trees swayed gently in the breeze. Suddenly, a loud thunderclap made me jump, and I looked out at the sky to see dark clouds rolling in. The rain began to pour, and I looked around in awe as a peacock emerged from the bushes and started to dance in the rain.

The peacock moved gracefully, spreading its feathers as it spun around, twirling and dancing with joy. Its tail feathers sparkled with raindrops that glistened like diamonds in the sunlight. I watched transfixed as it moved, creating a beautiful ballet of colors that left me awestruck.

As I watched, mesmerized by its beauty, it looked at me with its black eyes as if calling me to dance with him. I ran toward him.

Author POV:

Mesmerized by the peacock's beauty, Freya ran toward it and started dancing around it. It was raining slowly, and the sun shone brightly with raindrops, making the colors of the peacock's feathers even more vibrant. Freya felt like she was in a dream as she moved gracefully around the peacock, almost as if they were dancing together.


I felt it was cringy, but what should I do? I like it that way. 😃

It's been three or four days, and she met three of her male leads. 🤣 She even adapted to the environment without questions.

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