Chapter 112

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Rosa POV

"I really hope we have a baby girl," Luciano expressed, his voice filled with longing.

"I feel the same way. Ren needs a little sister," I responded, my voice filled with excitement and anticipation.

Caelum chimed in, saying, "I think so too. A baby girl would be wonderful."

We were engrossed in a conversation about the gender of the baby in Aurora's stomach. Except for Aurora, all of us wanted a baby girl. I couldn't help but pout and ask, "Isn't Ren enough of a boy?"

Aurora replied with a smile, "I'm also fine with having a baby girl." Our bond had grown stronger lately, and we were becoming closer than ever.

As we continued talking, Arnold and Sirius entered the room. I narrowed my eyes at them, noticing their closeness.

"Where have you been?" Caelum inquired.

"I went to find out something... You know, my friend Alexander. He was actually locked in one of the dark cave by the Tiger King," Arnold revealed, his face showing the distress he had experienced.

"Don't worry, we will save him." Aurora assured us. I gazed at her soft skin, dimly illuminated by the limited light in the cave, which mainly came from outside.

Her long eyelashes and soft lips-how I adored them. I reached out and held her hand, interlocking our fingers.

She was not only beautiful, but I also loved every aspect of her personality.

"Do you know when the ceremony is?" she asked.

"Tomorrow," Sirius replied.

"Tomorrow!" I exclaimed. "What am I going to do now? Oh no..." I nervously bit my fingers. Although I knew I was shameless when it came to my wife and her mates, I had never come into contact with other beasts, especially knowing that there might be T-rexes around, the very creatures that caused my kind to become extinct.

"Relax," Caelum said, patting my back, as I took a deep breath.

Author POV

They meticulously cleaned the cave and used animal fur skins to create bedding since the bed could only accommodate two people. Aurora, being pregnant, slept there without any objections from the others.

They were determined to provide her with anything she desired, especially during her pregnancy. Only now did they notice that her stomach had become slightly rounder. The days had been so hectic that they hadn't paid attention to these small details.

At night, Sirius and Caelum took turns guarding the cave, which lacked any form of protection or door. The beast city was populated with hungry, single beasts, and they were worried that someone might sneak in. In their previous living arrangement, they had become accustomed to a sense of security and had let their guard down. However, now they had to raise their defenses again. Although they knew Aurora was strong enough to protect herself, Rosa's safety was also a priority, as he was pretending to be Belle.

They were aware that the next day would be more dangerous and adventurous as they set out to save Alexander. Consequently, they needed to get some sleep to recharge their energy. For half of the night, Arnold and Luciano would keep watch.

The shushing sounds filled the dark night, devoid of stars. The noise of crickets and flies seemed audible in the silence. Caelum and Sirius heard rustling sounds coming from the bushes.

They exchanged glances, their guards raised. Caelum unsheathed his sharp claws, while Sirius prepared himself to attack.

They watched intently as the bushes continued to shake.

Their hearts raced uncontrollably, their vigilance heightened.

Sharp black eyes met bluish-purple ones as they focused intently on the source of the disturbance.


Upon realizing that it was just small animals, they let their guard down and breathed a sigh of relief. They looked at each other and nodded in understanding.

Arnold woke up from his slumber, stretching his paws and gently rubbing his eyes. He made his way towards Sirius and Caelum, his steps resembling those of a cat.

"You guys go and sleep; I'll keep watch here. It's been a long day," he yawned, still in his tiger form.

Scratching his body once more, he settled down. Luciano also woke up and joined them.

"Okay, pay attention to safety," Sirius advised.

"Don't worry, we'll manage," Arnold assured them. Sirius transformed into a snake and slithered towards the bed, stopping at the foot. He then coiled his body and fell asleep.

Caelum, feeling drowsy, didn't pay much attention to Sirius and also settled down in his peacock form, with his head hidden among his feathers.

Meanwhile, Luciano sat down, his sharp eyes scanning the surroundings, his ears raised, tuned in to the slightest sound.

Arnold assumed his tiger form, sitting on the ground with his hindquarters supported by his forelimbs. He stared blankly at the sky, his dilated eyes lost in thought.

"Alexander..." he muttered.

Although his friendship with Alexander had blossomed in a short period of time, he was willing to sacrifice himself for him. The fact that everyone had isolated Alexander because he was an incomplete beast saddened him.

Arnold knew that Alexander desired a mate and cubs of his own. However, it seemed impossible for him to find such Belle, as no one was willing to accept an incomplete beast.

The night continued, enveloping them in its darkness, while their thoughts and worries filled their minds.

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