Chapter 5

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Author POV

It was a magical midnight, illuminated by the radiant glow of the full moon in the sky. The tranquil silence was broken only by the gentle rustling of the wind through the trees and the soft hum of fireflies dancing around.

Sebastian lay peacefully beside Fiorella, transformed into his fox form. Unbeknownst to anyone, a subtle movement took place in the plain cave. Seven colors gathered in front of Fiorella and, one by one, disappeared into her body. Unnoticeable changes began to unfold throughout her entire being, as the night progressed.

When Fiorella awoke, she was drenched in sweat, feeling uncomfortable and unkempt.

Sebastian lifted his head, his eyes still moist from sleep, just before transforming back into his human form.

"Sebastian, could you please tell me where I can find a place to bathe? I'm in desperate need of it," Fiorella said, wrinkling her nose at her own unpleasant odor.

Noticing Fiorella's sweating alot, Sebastian moved a stone from the cave and transformed into a fox once again, signaling for her to sit on his back.

With a hesitated expression, Fiorella cautiously mounted him, gripping his soft, cloud-like fur tightly as he bounded outside.

As they journeyed, Fiorella stared in awe at the incredible sight unfolding before her. Spread out below was a valley embraced by lush, majestic forests, while rivers twisted and turned like ribbons through the landscape. It was a scene of unparalleled beauty, unlike anything she had ever witnessed before.

Sebastian ran toward rolling hills and expansive green vistas that stretched out before them. The rivers snaked their way through a dense forest, reminiscent of a tropical rainforest.

Finally, Sebastian stopped by a riverbank and crouched down. Fiorella got off, and she looked around at the beautiful nature. It was an incredibly beautiful scene.

Turning to Sebastian, Fiorella asked with a shy smile, "Sebastian, could you please turn around while I take a bath?"

Sebastian hesitated for a moment but eventually nodded, turning his head away.

Quickly, Fiorella removed her clothes and stepped into the shallow waters of the river. She washed her face, hair, and body, before slipping back into her dress.

"You can turn around now, Sebastian," she called out. As he turned, he looked at her with a reddened face.

"What happened, Sebastian?" Fiorella asked, feeling uncertain about his sudden bashfulness.

"It's... It's just that you've become even more beautiful than before," he stammered, his cheeks flushed. Fiorella found herself blushing too, hearing his words.

Fiorella POV:

Walking alongside Sebastian, I spotted a towering tree adorned with red fruits. I had tried them before and knew they were a yummy mix of sour and sweet.

"Sebastian," I asked, pointing towards the tree, "can we go and eat those fruits?"

"Yeah! Why not," he replied cheerfully. We strolled towards the majestic tree, and he quickly plucked two ripe red fruits, offering them to me before settling down in the shade.

Taking big, juicy bites of the fruits, I asked, "Aren't you hungry?"

"No, I don't feel hungry. If I do, I can always go hunting," he replied, his gaze fixed on the distance. I nodded in understanding.

After savoring the fruits, my attention turned to Sebastian, who had transformed back into his fox form. His soft, white, cloud-like fur caught my eye as he looked at me with a hint of confusion.

"Can I... touch your fur?" I asked nervously. He nodded his furry head, exuding an overwhelming sense of cuteness.

With a mix of excitement and trepidation, I extended my hand towards him, Tentatively, I ran my fingers through his velvety fur, and it felt absolutely amazing! We both seemed to enjoy the moment, as he purred contentedly under my gentle touch.

Encouraged, I decided to take it a step further. Lying down on the ground, I motioned for him to come closer and lie next to me. Without hesitation, I wrapped both arms around him, giving him a tight hug while burying my face in his warm neck fur.

The natural scent emanating from his fur was intoxicating, filling me with a sense of tranquility. We cuddled in that idyllic setting, as I nuzzled my face in his fur, cherishing the moment as if he were my beloved teddy bear.

His mischievous tail began to tickle me, causing me to burst into laughter. "Ahahhahahaa, please... please stop, Sebastian!" I exclaimed, my stomach aching from the laughter and feeling ticklish from his playful tail.

In that moment, I couldn't recall a time when I had felt more carefree and joyful.

I swear I doesn't remember who was even ford.

Yeah! Ford was Cannon folder 😂

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