Chapter 32

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Freya POV

As I gazed into the mirror, I was taken aback by the braid that Caelum had created for me. It was truly beautiful. I turned to face him with a look of awe and exclaimed, "It's simply amazing!" Examining the delicate design and the addition of stunning white flowers

A relieved chuckle escaped Caelum's lips. "I'm so glad to hear that you like it," he said.

Today, Sebastian surprised her with a stunning red textured skirt, but I don't know what kind of animal skin it is.

Even though I like to wear space clothes, I didn't want to disappoint Sebastian, who had clearly poured his heart and soul into sewing the dress for me. But, to my surprise, the dress turned out to be so comfortable and effortless. The hem reached just above my knees, giving the illusion of a gorgeous, flowing skirt.

He was really getting more skilled each time he sew, and I was proud of him; he was incredibly good at cooking and sewing, plus he took care of our whole family.

Sebastian's intense dark eyes gazed at me as he commented, "Freya, you look absolutely stunning. However, I can't help but worry about you leaving the house looking like this. It breaks my heart to think of those savage beasts ogling at you."

"Yeah Freya, It pains me to even consider the thought of someone taking you away from our grasp." Caelum pulled me close and nestled his face against mine. Laughing, I spoke, "Fear not, my dear mate's. You are all mine, and I am all yours, and nobody can take me away from you."

My heart beat rapidly when I caught sight of two stunning beauties grinning in my direction.

Upon their return from bathing, I eagerly served a delicious breakfast Sebastian had cooked for Charles and Ethan. As soon as they had finished indulging, we were all set to embark on tribe.

We're walking towards the tribe because it's not far away, and my mates are also in Beastman form.

As I looked around, an overwhelming feeling of excitement washed over me, and the sound of howls and distant voices grew louder with each passing moment.

However, the fear soon set in as I realised that even though I was used to having my mate beside me in animal form, we were now facing more dangerous animals like a group of tigers and lions, and I couldn't shake the feeling that I was no more than a docile creature in a zoo. As the adrenaline pumped through my veins, I felt every fibre of my being tense up with an intense sense of foreboding as we forged ahead.

Sensing my apprehension, Caelum gently grasped my hand and locked his gaze with mine, calming my nerves with his reassuring eyes. In an instant, my fear evaporated, and I felt a sense of safety wash over me, as if everything would be alright as long as he was by my side.

"SCREECH--" Startled by the sudden ear-piercing screech, I froze in my tracks. Catching my breath, I noticed something coming towards us. I froze when I noticed Big Cockroach surrounded by many animals like panthers, lions, foxes, and leopards coming towards me in groups.

Suddenly Cockroach turned in Sandra, who was wearing a tight latex brown skin skirt showing her thick thighs. Her hair was in a normal braid because her hair was fuzzy; it doesn't look good.

I looked behind her; all the beasts turned into handsome guys, dmm! They are all handsome and stunning, compared to Sandar, who was arrogant and looked extremely ugly.

One of them, who wore nothing, walked from the handsome guys crowd, very, very nacked. Shocked, I quickly closed my eyes and tucked myself closer to Sebastian's chest.

"Hump!" She exhaled, pulling my gaze away from Sebastien's chest and turning to look at Sandra. I notice her hands are folded tightly, and an unmistakable trace of jealousy lingers in her eyes.

Abruptly, a wave of frustration and annoyance swept over me as I observed her flaunting her arrogant demeanour towards me. The same person who had previously caused Ethan emotional pain had the audacity to behave in such a manner towards me. My eyes narrowed in disapproval.

"Bit*h! Who are you showing your ugly face here?" shouted Sandara angrily.

"Sandra Wha the fuck you are shouting my mate like this?" growled Etahn angrily.

"You!! Dmm Cockroach. " Is this land owned by your father that you're showing me this attitude on?" I felt anger rushing through my brain.

"You dmm! Bitch don't shout at me, HOW DARE YOU TO MATE WITH ETHAN! you ugly bitch" The sound of her voice was the most grating and unbearable noise I had ever heard; it was like nails on a chalkboard. The person who was responsible for causing him so much anguish was now audaciously berating me for my choice to mate with Ethan.

My mates angrily growled, ready to attack her if she uttered another bad word for me, but I stopped them with my back hand.

As I gazed at Sandra with a chilly glare, a vivid memory of Ethan's plight rushed through my mind.

With calm and collected steps, I approached her, towering over her. My gaze met hers. Leaning in, I spoke softly, almost in a whisper, as if sharing a precious secret: "Have you ever wondered about the fate of Belle like you?" Her eyes flickered with a mix of surprise and fury, as if daring me to say more.

"Do you believe in the Beast God?" I spoke slowly with a low voice, "Do you know what the Beast God does to the Belle who treats their mate badly?"

With a hushed tone, she asked, "Do you happen to believe in the existence of the Beast God? And, if so, are you familiar with the tales of how the Beast God punishes those who mistreat their mates?"

"They burn in hell," I say coldly.

As her eyes widened with terror, I took a step back, flipping my braided hair. The long braid lightly slapped against Sandra's face as I confidently strode towards my mates. Giving Sandra a sly wink as I turned, I felt a rush of adrenaline pulsing through my veins. It was clear that I was in control of the situation.

When I looked around, I saw everyone looking at me. With wide eyes and whispering. I forgot they have sensitive ears; they must have heard me.

Friday, 26may 2023

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