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Wearing a red dress that accentuated her fair skin, Fiorella applied dark red lipstick to her lips. Her naturally long and beautiful eyelashes added to her allure.

Everyone looked at Fiorella in shock, including Ford and Monica. Although she was always beautiful, she usually opted for simple clothes for the sake of comfort. However, today, in those clothes, she appeared even more charming.

Ford was particularly taken aback, wondering if it was just his imagination when he noticed a flash of violet in her eyes.

"Fiore," a man with dark black eyes, whose extraordinarily handsome face resembled Ford's, approached her and embraced her.

"Lucas," a smile appeared on Fiorella's face.

"How are you?" he asked, holding her hands.

"I'm fine. How about you? Is your startup going well?" she inquired. Lucas was like a little brother to her.

"Of course! Everything is going well, and our team is busy with our dream project," he replied, laughing. "Thanks to you."

Fiorella smiled as she listened to him.

However, Ford's fist clenched as he observed them, feeling a pang of jealousy. He walked toward them but noticed her parents approaching.

"Fiorella," her mom Jessica looked at her emotionally. She remembered how she had ignored her own daughter, but now she realized that Fiorella had done nothing wrong. In fact, she had tried to please them. At that moment, she felt regret for her adopted daughter, who was also sad, knowing she was adopted.

"Child, how are you?" they asked, and Fiorella nodded her head.

"I'm sorry," Jessica spoke with her head lowered.

And Fiorella forgave her. She didn't want to dwell on the past since she was planning to leave this place.

Ford, who had been keeping an eye on Fiorella, noticed her alone on the balcony and walked towards her.

"You—" he began, but he saw her gazing at the sky with a distant expression.

"Stop it, Ford," she turned and looked at him. "Stop playing with my feelings and Monica's not everything is about you, directed at you or having to do with your situations. the world doesn't revolve around your problems alone. other people have lives too."

Ford stood there, shocked. He tried to catch her wrist, but she had already left.

The next day, he searched for her but couldn't find her, not even in her rented apartment, her parents' house, or the bungalow he had given her.

Little did he know that she had already left, taking her belongings with her.

It's was already night when Fiorella opened her eyes and felt hands on her waist.

"When did you change your clothes?" Sebastian asked, his hands caressing her waist.

"I—" she began, wanting to explain, but he didn't listen. Instead, he showered her face and neck with kisses.

He took a deep breath as he looked at her. She was wearing a tight-fitting dress that accentuated her body, making her appear even sexier.

His eyes filled with lust as he bit his lip.

"Ah..." Fiorella's scream and. Moans could be heard from her room.

Fiorella: Journey To Beast WorldWhere stories live. Discover now