Chapter 88

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Luca POV

As I woke up, I felt a pounding sensation in my head and a dizziness that made it hard to focus. Sitting up, I took a deep breath, feeling a bit lighter although the pain still lingered.

I remembered the fight we had and how I had fainted. Anxious thoughts filled my mind about what Sirius might be thinking of me.

"Are you okay, Luca?" I heard a gentle, soft voice. I looked at her, and her green eyes held deep concern as she held my hands. All my worries seemed to disappear in that moment.

Placing my other hand on hers, I smiled softly and reassured her, "I am fine, don't worry about me, okay?"

She smiled back at me and nodded.

"Sirius?" I asked, concerned. "Did you guys save him?"

Relly smiled and spoke, "Yes, we saved him. He was still in a coma, but he is fine and will wake up soon."

"Thank you for saving him," I spoke, feeling emotional as I recalled The I met Sirius first time.

"Hey, no need to thank me. You know, Sirius also saved me once" she said, reminding me of that day.


I was in my cave, feeling worried as I looked outside and noticed the darkening clouds. I sensed a change in the weather, and soon, light rain started to fall.

Suddenly, I felt the ground shake beneath the ocean. My expression changed as I realized a tsunami was approaching, but I never imagined it would be so massive.

I hurriedly swam outside, desperately searching for a safe place. I saw coral fish, reef, and sharks running in a frenzy. I swam in a different direction, trying to escape the tsunami.

I swam for what felt like an eternity until I finally reached a quiet spot and stopped.

"Luca" I heard a familiar voice calling out. I turned and was surprised to see Sirius weakly nodding at me. His entire body was covered in scars, and his gaze was soft as he looked down at the brown-headed Belle in his arms.

"What happened to you, and who is this?" I questioned him, looking down at Belle in his arms and then back at him.

She was beautiful.

"Luca, please take care of her. I was in a weak state because of hibernation, and I can only trust you" he softly spoke, handing me the injured Belle.

"Don't worry, I will take care of her" I assured him.

"Is she your soon-to-be mate?" I asked, a smile forming on my face.

"Yes, my future mate" he replied, leaning down to kiss her forehead.

"Don't let any beast come near her" he spoke, his possessiveness evident. The venomous tongue that used to spit poison seemed to soften because of Belle.

"I know," I replied.

"And heal her, and give her meat and food to eat" he requested, reluctant to part.

"Don't worry, Sirius!" I assured him.

He took a deep breath and nodded.

"But let me heal your injuries" I insisted, looking at his wounds.


*Flashback ends*

"Luca, aren't you hungry? I've made fish for you" she said, pointing to a plate on the table near my bed.

"Okay" I responded, about to get up and get the food. However, she stopped me by grabbing my wrist. I looked at her with a questioning expression.

"You're injured, don't try to move. I will feed you." she said, taking the plates in her hands. As she started to feed me fish and other dishes, I looked down at her. Her long, curved eyelashes cast shadows on her cheeks.

My heart grew warm as she fed me.

"Luca" she hesitated after she finished feeding me, looking at me intently.

Confused by her expression, I subconsciously wanted to touch my hair, but I froze.

"My hair?"

5 January

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