Chapter 65

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I woke up with a headache and rubbed my temple. Damn! Why did relly have to take that old man's words seriously? Now my head was pounding from stress.

Suddenly, something furry tickled my face, and I giggled. I felt a wet lick on my cheek.

I opened my eyes.

A furry jaguar was close to my face, with its big furry face and pink nose. It was so cute, and it blinked its golden-black eyes when it saw that I was awake.

"Hey," I said, rubbing its head and feeling its soft fur against my hand.

I sat up with a smile in my eyes, stretched my arms, and leaned against the cave. The jaguar quickly came into my arms like a good boy and hugged me, resting its head on my neck. I smirked as it started purring when I rubbed its furry coat.

I stopped rubbing it, and it raised its big face. Its accusing eyes made me want to laugh, and I noticed heart-shaped spots near both of its eyes.

Oh God! How can anyone be so cute?

Suddenly, it transformed into a human. I looked at his extremely handsome face, with his golden eyes angrily staring at me. His pink lips were pouted, and his short black hair looked like fine silk.

Someone save me from this guy.

"Why did you stop?" he accused me, his hands wrapped around my neck.

I smiled as I rubbed his hair. "Oh... it's just that my hands started hurting." His eyes widened.

"Ow... sorry." He took my hands and started massaging them, looking at me with teary eyes. God, he was so innocent.

But he didn't know that his body was too tempting. Honestly, he was literally sitting naked in my lap.

"Hey, baby, don't cry." I took his face in my hands and wiped his tears with my thumb.

I looked down at his lips.

"Can I...?" I asked. However, he tilted his head in confusion, then nodded excitedly.

As I leaned in closer, I gently placed my hand on the side of his face, guiding our lips closer. Our eyes locked, without hesitation, I closed the distance between us, pressing my lips against his. It started as a soft, lingering kiss, but as the intensity grew, I deepened the kiss.

My hands instinctively found his strong waist, pulling him closer to me. I couldn't get enough; I kissed him hungrily.

"Flo" I heard Luca's voice.

"Oh my god... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt you guys. I'm so sorry" he spoke again. I pulled away from his lips, took a deep breath, and looked at Luca, who was standing at the entrance of the cave. His cheeks were flushed. I nodded my head.

"You go now. I'll come with Charles," I spoke as I looked away from him. After he left, I kissed his lips one more time.

"It hurts," he pouted, his lips red and ravaged. I chuckled.

"Let's go. We have to eat something. Aren't you hungry?" I spoke.


10 December 2023

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