Chapter 13

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I felt very worried about Ethan. He had always taken care of me like a big brother, knowing my situation.

I don't know why he agreed to be with that woman, Sandra. I really don't like her or any female before meeting Freya.

She doesn't reject me despite knowing how lazy I am. Because of this, I was always rejected.

I put a bowl of water and fur towards Sebastian.

I felt my chest was heavy, tears ready to fall as I put my head on Ethan's hands, rubbing them softly, hoping he knows I am with him.

I raised my head when I saw the burned marks of the mate bond. I was shocked. So that damned Sandra canceled the mate bond with Ethan.

Even though I didn't want to transform, I still shape-shifted into my human form. "Sebastian, what should we do now that Sandra has canceled the mate bond?"

Sebastian looked shocked, his eyes falling on the burning mate mark on Ethan's knees.

Suddenly, Freya fainted without reason.

"Freya---Freya," I quickly patted her cheeks. As I felt my cheeks wet, I wondered what had happened to Freya. I looked at Sebastian, who looked as worried as me.

Suddenly, I felt movement in my arms. I looked down at Freya; she moved in my arms, her thick dark eyelashes flickering as she opened her eyes.

I noticed her eye color changed again; it was a light forest green. Her stunning eyes glanced at me without reaction as she sat up.

She dusted her fur clothes as she looked around before her eyes fell on me and then Sebastian before looking at Ethan.

"Take him to the inner room," she said in a gentle yet intimidating voice, which sounded so calm yet powerful.

"Yes," Sebastian nodded his head, and I also nodded before we softly took him to the room. When we put Ethan in bed, she instructed us to help her get warm water and wet wipes, which we did quickly.

"You two, now get out," she ordered us. Sebastian and I locked eyes before nodding our heads and leaving.

I don't know what she is doing, but I trust her. She was different, very, very different from the many Belles I have ever met.

I saw Sebastian sitting on the ground, looking very sad. I could understand Ethan was his brother who always took care of him.

I patted his shoulder lightly before sitting beside him. We heard Ethan scream, and as Sebastian flinched, wanting to go see what was going on, I held his arm and shook my head, indicating we shouldn't go.

I don't know how much time passed. I looked outside the entrance; it was raining again. I hoped during the last stage of the rainy day we would pass through it safely.

When I heard movement, I looked up and saw Freya coming out from the room. She looked very tired and had blood on her hands. Still, her beautiful green eyes were as calm as lake water.

"Do you still have water in the bathtub?" she asked us. Sebastian nodded his head. She walked towards the other side of the cave, towards the bath area, as we heard her saying calmly, "He was still injured. If you want to meet him, don't make any noise or touch him."

Suddenly, I remembered when Freya told us, 'when my eye color changes, you can think there was another side of your Belle standing there.'

So this was another side of Freya who can treat people. I was surprised and excited to find out what might be another side we can witness in the future.

But what if they don't love me? I felt so worried. Oh no, life was so hard.

Right now, we are standing next to the bed as we looked at Ethan, shocked.

His injuries were wrapped in something white fur but very different. There was no blood on him, and he looked fine. I could hear his heartbeat was now normal, as my ears are very sensitive.

I also noticed weird tools in the corner with a smooth plate of stone, which was different from what I saw. There was also a white container containing something honey-colored and many different things I didn't know.

I don't know what kind of secret was hiding in my mate.

Sebastian was now smiling, glad that his brother was fine.

But we were also worried; the cancellation of mates might bring him harmful effects. I hoped he could control his mind because after mate cancellation, most males go crazy and become ferals.

I left Sebastian alone with Ethan, and I sat leaning on the wall of the cave, transforming again into a jaguar as I felt pain every time I did it.

"I think you also need treatment," I heard a calm, euphonious voice. That's when I stiffened as I looked at her. She was looking at me with deep thoughts, rubbing her jaw as she looked at me with a meaningful smile.

I always wanted to fly with multiple personalities, but there were only a few there. 😭 So I decided to make my own. I don't know how I am doing.

Sun, 30 April 2023

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