Chapter 49

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Fiorella POV

"Luca, you can sleep in my bed. You don't have to worry about me," I told him as I sat on the sofa.

"No, you can sleep. I will sleep on the sofa, okay!" Luca said as I took his hands in mine and spoke.

"Luca, you go and sleep in my bed. I also want to take care of that man and baby." Luca stiffened and looked at me, then nodded his head.

"Alright then." Luca went to sleep in the bed, and I sat near the sofa, looking at the baby tiger who was sleeping with its head on its small paws. Its pink nose was so cute.

Then I turned off the light, leaving only the lights in the kitchen. I took out another bed from the space and put it near the sofa, then laid there.

I didn't feel sleepy at all. I could hear the sound of snow falling and the crazy winds outside.

What if the baby hasn't found me? What happened to him? I shivered at the thought.

And my mates... Are they trying to find me? What are they doing? Are they fine? I couldn't help but caress their marks softly.

I don't know if one personality falls in love, will the other personalities also fall in love? I knew that even though we have different personalities, we are connected with heart and soul.

I don't know when I fell asleep...

"D-ada!" I suddenly woke up to the baby tiger's voice. I sat up quickly and saw the baby standing next to the bed with Luca, who had a worried expression on his face.

"What happened to him?" I quickly walked towards them, feeling worried.

The man's face was covered with sweat. He looked so tense that the veins on his forehead were showing, and his hands were fisted. A groan escaped from his lips.

"His mate... bond was cancelled," Luca spoke as he looked at the man without expression.

My eyes widened. I also knew what that meant. I had witnessed Ethan suffering.

Suddenly, I felt a tug on my clothes. I saw the baby tiger looking at me with wide teary eyes. He was in human form and wasn't wearing any clothes. I noticed a scar on his body, and my heart clenched for him.

I quickly picked him up and patted him softly.

"It's okay... it's okay. Nothing will happen to your dada."

'Relly, what should I do?' I asked him through my mind.

'Just stay close to him and give him pain reliever medicine' Relly spoke. I nodded my head and quickly took a glass of water from the table near me. Taking the medicine from the space, I quickly put it in his mouth and made him drink water.

With the baby hugging me closely, Luca sat near the man and closed his eyes. He took the unconscious man's hands.

Opening his eyes, he looked at me in surprise. "Thank God! He doesn't feel the mate cancellation bond, but maybe it's because his mate strength gift was cancelled."

I was confused why he didn't feel the mate cancellation pain when I clearly remembered how much pain Ethan was in.

"If the male wasn't in love with Belle when he mated, then no, he can't feel pain other than strength cancellation," Luca spoke and smiled at me. "You don't have to worry about him. He will wake up soon."

"Okay," I took the baby with me. He was very obedient and didn't even make a sound. I quickly warmed up the water.

"Okay, it's time to bathe, baby," I softly spoke, and he cradled in my arms, looking at me with wide eyes.

"Bwath..noooo!" He quickly shook his furry head cutely. "'s sooo cwold."

"Look, baby, we have warm water," I quickly put him down near the bathtub, and he looked at me, then put his chubby finger inside the water.

His eyes widened and he looked back at me with wide eyes. "It's twrue."

"Yeah, now you're going to have a bath." I quickly put bubble soap inside the bathtub. He looked very excited and started playing with the water, swimming around the bathtub as he was too small.

After bathing, I quickly took a towel and wiped him softly, his hair and face, while he was busy playing with my long hair.

"Baby, you haven't told me your name," I sadly pouted towards him. His eyes became even wider.

"Opps..I folgat to twell my name" he spoke cutely. His cute chubby hand softly pinched my cheeks, and he spoke like a little adult. "dwont be sad i wil twell you my name."

"My name is Leoo" he spoke cutely. "noow twell me yor name."

"My name is Fiorella," I spoke, pinching his small nose softly.

"Fiowrela," Leo spoke and then cutely nodded his head. "it's tooo lwong name I will cwall you flower."

"Aww... you're the cutest baby in the world," I spoke, feeling my heart at peace. And look, baby Leo was now blushing.

"Rewally?" He spoke happily, and I nodded my head and quickly made him wear the baby clothes that I found in the space with difficulty.

Lastly, I put a furry sweater on him, and now he looked so cute and happy.

After taking him out, I quickly gave Leo to Luca as he wanted to go to the washroom.

After making breakfast, I went towards the man and saw that he was still sleeping. I quickly turned around.

Then, in milliseconds, I don't know what happened. I was pressed against the Cold wall, and I felt a presence behind me and long sharp claws in my stomach.

13 November 2023

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