Chapter 9

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Sebastian POV
I saw a lazy jaguar lounging in the tall weeds. When our eyes met, he gazed at me with wide eyes.
After hunting earlier today, I returned to the cave but couldn't find Fiorella. Panic surged through me, as if I had lost my soul, and I immediately set off to find her.

When I found her with Lazy Jaguar, I felt a wave of relief wash over me. If it had been another beastman, I would have been furious, ready to kick and beat him until he was pulp.
But I knew that the jaguar was too lazy to find a mate or to hookup with anyone. I didn't know why he was so lazy.
He emerged from the weeds slowly, trying to be cute by licking his paw with newborn cub eyes. He approached me, as if trying to give me a big hug. His eyes were wide and full of love, and his tongue lapped up affection. His tail wagged, and his body relaxed as he looked at me with adoration.

It was the perfect combination of sweetness and innocence that melted my heart.
What the f*ck am I thinking?
But who told him to be cute like a cub?

Nah! Wake up, Sebastian; he always does that when he wants food!
If he doesn't get food from anyone, he just sits under a tree where fruits are ripe, so when fruits fall from the tree, he can catch them and eat. So most of the time, you always see him under a tree where fruits grow.

I turned my eyes away from him and looked at Fiorella, but something seemed different about her. Yeah, her eyes changed to a violet color, and she was looking at the lazy Jaguar with twinkling eyes.
"Sebastian Can we take him with us?" She said this without taking her eyes off him. Her voice also sounded so seductive and charming that I felt myself getting hard. I was jealous of that Jaguar.
"But what happened to your eyes?" I asked, snapping back to reality. Concern etched across my face, I wondered if I should take her to the healer, but I wanted to hear her answer first.
Fiorella chuckled, radiating beauty that captivated me. "it's normal," she said. "You'll have to get used to it because my eyes will change frequently." I nodded in understanding, but out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Lazy Jaguar looking at her with wide eyes, unable to tear his gaze away.
"So, Sebastian," Fiorella called out to me, and as I turned to her, I noticed Jaguar also gazing at her. It's annoying why he doesn't change his name.

"I don't refer to you Sebastian number two," she remarked, glancing at Jaguar before turning her gaze back to me. "I called you Sebastian," she explained as she gestured for us to enter the cave. Jaguar and I exchanged looks before stepping inside.
We gathered in circles as Fiorella observed us.

"Fiorel--" I began, but she interrupted me. "Call me Freya," she insisted.

I looked at her, puzzled by the sudden change. I couldn't grasp what was happening.

"It's difficult to explain, but remember when my eye color changed?" she started, trying to clarify. "You can think of it as another side of your Belle emerging." I didn't fully understand her words, but I grasped the concept somewhat.

Suddenly, I recalled Beau, also known as Denis, who exhibited different behavior when his eyes shifted between black and blue.

"So, you have a behavior change illness?" I asked, my knowledge limited on the subject. She nodded in confirmation. "Something like that," she confirmed.

She looked at Jaguar with her charming violet eyes and said, "It's awkward to call you since you both have the same name." I nodded my head.
She gazed at Jaguar with her enchanting violet eyes and remarked, "It's awkward to call you both by the same name." I nodded in agreement.

"If you two don't mind, could one of you change your name?" she inquired. I shook my head, unwilling to alter my name.

Her attention shifted to the jaguar, who seemed unfazed by the idea of changing his name; he simply blinked at her and continued grooming his paws.

"Sebastian number two, can you transform into human form?" Freya asked him, to which he merely turned his head.

However, she smiled warmly and added, "If you transform, I'll ensure you receive daily meat."

His ears perked up with excitement, and he promptly transformed.

My eyes widened in astonishment. I couldn't recall the last time I had seen him transform—perhaps when he was a cub.

Now that he had taken human form, he looked remarkably attractive.

He has a strong jawline, with eyes as bright and golden as the sun, shining with warmth. His face is sharply defined, accentuating his attractive features. His short black hair adds a touch of softness, framing his face in a fluffy manner. Overall, his handsome appearance exudes undeniable attractiveness.

He smiled at Freya, revealing a dimple, his eyes sparkling brightly because he knew he would be getting daily meat from now on.

By the way, how are all of you doing? I wanted to ask if anyone has any suggestions for a new name that would suit the Jaguar? Let's hear your ideas!

 (777 Words
Sat 15 April 2023)

💀--Still here? Off course I don't mind So here

Fiorella eyes

Fiorella eyes

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Her hair

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