Chapter 28

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Sebastian POV

"Wow! Caelum, your recovery speed is incredible," Freya exclaimed, looking at the handsome birdman, who was grinning like a fool.

Rolling my eyes towards them, I made sure to get important things from the cave to my space. I was tired of trying to beat Caelum to stop hitting my mate, but would he listen? NO.

Even though I was very uncomfortable seeing Freya getting close to Bird Man and Ethan, as head of the harem, I have to endure it. I don't want reckless Beaus who can't even control their emotions.

I walked into Caelum's room, which was ransacked by Charles.

"Wake up, sleepyhead," I shook Charles' fat belly. Really, he was getting fatter by eating and being pampered.

"Noooo. Let me sleep," he groaned and tried to push my hands away with his paws.

Picking him up by the neck, I dangerously smiled at him when he opened one of his eyes and closed it again after seeing my glare.

He waved his paws in the air, saying, "Put me down..put me down. I'll wake up." Hearing this, I smiled in satisfaction, putting him on the ground. I wanted to leave when I saw him doze off on the ground.

"Charles, wake up!" I shouted, feeling irritated. I don't know why he doesn't listen to me.

"I was already awake," a sleepy voice replied.

"Huh.....already awake, but I don't see you awake right now." Folding my hands, I looked down at him, who can sleep anywhere.

"I can't open my eyes anyway."


Ignoring him, I stormed off, "Fine! If you don't wake up, we are leaving you alone."

"Calm down! Brother, you know Charles has a special case," Ethan said, patting my shoulder.

"Hump! Isn't he already recovered?" Rubbing my head, I headed towards the bathing area, grabbing a soft white towel and leopard skin for Toady.

The rainy day has already finished. Now I have to worry about the snowy days. I have to hunt more, even though she has many things in her space, I don't know how long that will last, so I have to be prepared.

I was also glad that I have space, so my hunts, when taken out, are fresh and nice to eat.

After a rainy day, our tribe held Beast God rituals where every member of the tribe had to be present, and as the number one warrior of the Fox Tribe, I had to attend.

Coming out, Caelum, Ethan, and Freya were already ready, with Charles laying on Freya's arms. Hearing the sound of my footsteps, he jumped from her lap and ran to the bath, I shook my head helplessly.

With her, we all have the habit of bathing and brushing daily. Before meeting her, I only bathed once a month, but I felt good and fresh after bathing daily.

We're leaving for the tribe early; I already packed everything, making sure everything is in order. We are ready to go.

Freya sat on my back. We're walking in the forest. Behind me, Charles picked fruits or anything he found edible, and Ethan and Caelum made sure there wasn't anything dangerous around.

"Oh my God." She looked around in amazement inside the forest, patting my head. "Sebastian, can you put me down? I also want to walk."

I shook my head. I don't want to put her in a dangerous situation.

"Please.. please, my Foxy husband.." Without turning my head, I can still imagine the cute face she's making. I don't know what the meaning of husband is, but hearing this made me feel so good.

"NO! We have to go somewhere." Hearing this, she hugged my neck tighter and laid on me, maybe pouting right now.

After a long time, we reached the destination that Ethan told me about. I was very nervous because today Ethan and Caelum were going to confess to Freya for accepting them as mates.

We stopped in front of the waterfall. She hopped down from me and looked around in amazement.

It was a sight to behold. After a refreshing rain, the beautiful waterfall comes alive with vibrant colors and a soothing sound. The water cascades over the rocks in ribbons of silver, glittering in the sunlight that filters through the mist. The lush greenery surrounding the falls glistens with dew, and the air is filled with the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers. The sound of the rushing waterfall seems to wash away all worries and tensions, creating a calming and peaceful atmosphere.

"Let's go inside." When Ethan said this, we all looked at him in confusion. And he smiled at us.

Sunday, 21may 2023

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