Chapter 20

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Relly POV

Early morning, I woke up to Sebastian's call. He was amazing; he had already packed all the things needed for traveling in his space together with some clothes in case of an emergency.

Sebastian ran ahead, and I sat on Charles's back as we ran fast in the forest, followed by a bear who amazed me with how powerful he looked while running.

But now, I am feeling scared looking at the forest. At the beginning, it wasn't dense or that scary, but after some time, I started feeling scared. Without their protection, I don't know if I would survive.

The dark and dense forest after rain is a place of eerie stillness and foreboding. The air is thick with moisture, and the trees stand tall and silent, their branches dripping with rainwater. The ground is slick and muddy, and the shadows of the trees seem to stretch on for eternity.

The journey passed in a blur; thank God I didn't throw up.

We stopped in front of a big tree where I saw a red fox and a buffalo guarding a big gate made of wood. It looked so aesthetic.

When they saw us approaching, their bodies became tense, but when they saw it was Sebastian, they transformed into good-looking beastmen.

Why they are so good-looking I admired them.I heard a growl from Charles when he sensed my movement.

"Is she your mate, Sebastian?" the buffalo man asked curiously, eyeing me with his dark brown eyes.

I saw amazement in his eyes, like he had never seen someone like me before.

However, their faces fell when they saw Ethan. They gave him a surprised and pitiful look.

"Yes! She is my mate, and also Charles," Sebastian smiled. Accidentally, when my eyes met the red fox man's, he winked at me hard.

Bruh! Stop, man, I averted my eyes.

After some time, we entered through the gate slowly. When I turned back, I saw the red fox man's eyes widened, and he started winking at me hard again.

I choked on my saliva.

I think I need to stop thinking about this.

We entered the village, and my eyes were amazed seeing many stony mountains surrounding it, and there were many caves. Some caves were located on the ground, and some were high caves, with growing green vines at the side of the cave, giving it primitive beauty.

I saw many pairs of eyes looking at me like I was an animal in a zoo. Especially most of the people I saw there were males, giving me worse flirty looks than the red fox man at the gate.

Now I definitely feel that the fox man's flirting skills are better than those.

But I can't deny the fact that they are so good-looking.

Finally, we stopped in front of a big cave in the middle. I hopped down from Charles, and he transformed into a beastman.

Sebastian shouted, "Patriarch Adam, I am here."

Hearing his voice, an old man came out smiling at Sebastian. His eyes met mine with calm gaze, which made him smile. "Is she your mate, Sebastian?" he asked, and Sebastian nodded his head and introduced us.

"And also my mate," Charles inserted himself, which made Old man Adam laugh, and Ethan look uncomfortable. I took his hand, giving him a soothing look.

"Let's talk inside," Old man Adam said, guiding us inside, which was lit with magical balls, I think.

I wonder where this came from.

His cave was very clean, with a stone bed with many layers of animal skin. There were also many weird tools.

After they finished talking about the tribe or some matter, we walked out.

"I am sorry for you, child. But you know, I can't do anything about this matter," he said, patting Ethan's shoulder. Ethan just smiled sadly.

I felt very bad for him. I hope he soon gets over his past events and starts a new beginning of life.

Right now, when Sebastian wanted to show us his cave, we were surrounded by many males.

They were whispering among themselves.

"Is she Sebastian's mate?"

"Yes, I heard she is Sebastian and Charles's mate."

"She is so beautiful."

"Yes! I first time saw such a beautiful belle."

"But why did she accept that useless male Charles?"

"What's Ethan doing here? Hasn't he lost his mind?"

"I thought he died in the forest."

"He looked fine, like he hasn't canceled the mate bond."

"He must be so strong, then."


"Give me space," I heard the sharp voice of a woman, squeezed out from the crowd. I spotted the woman after meeting many males.



This one...

Wearing a wreath of flowers, a leopard skin, her facial features are weird, and she looked so fat, but she was very tall.

After her, many males began to surround her. "The most beautiful belle of the tribe, Sandra, is here," which made her flip her fuzzy hair arrogantly.

"Now you know who is here, b*tch. Now you leave. Why are you seducing my admirers?" What the F**k...

"SANDRA! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!! YELLING AT MY MATE?" I heard the angry roar of Sebastian, the first time ever. Even Charles was growling angrily, ready to attack her.

Looking at Ethan, he was trying to control himself, closing his eyes. I think he felt pain from the mate bond.

"Sebastian, you don't have to waste any energy on worthless people. By the way, who are you?" I said, looking at Sandra's eyes with a calm, confident look, winking at her.

Hmm... I got Sandra's angry look and many males throwing hearts from their eyes.

"YOU DON'T KNOW WHO I AM," Sandra angrily shouted. I don't think she knows I was mocking her.

"I am the most beautiful belle of the Fox tribe, Sandra The Mighty Cockroach," Sandra arrogantly said, and males around her threw her loving looks.

Wtf... Hahaha, what.

🤣 guys meet Sandra, She was most beautiful Belle of fox tribe 😅




6may 2023, Saturday

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