Chapter 90

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Sirius POV

I despise belles and their inherent cruelty, which is why I had resolved never to mate with anyone.

However, it seems that the Beast God has other plans for me. One day, as I was peacefully sleeping in my nest underwater in the river, a gorgeous belle unexpectedly fell into my arms. I blinked, and as soon as I caught a whiff of her fragrance, I instantly fell in love. Despite her face being covered by her thick, brown hair.

I pushed away stray hair From her face.

Her lips, her cheeks, her hair, and her long eyelashes were all mesmerizing.

I noticed that she was having trouble breathing in underwater, so I gently lifted her out of the water and wrapped myself around her. I felt a warmth inside me as I held her, and she was incredibly soft, especially in her chest, which I found particularly appealing. It was so soft and ample. I longed to remain nestled there forever.

When I finally woke up from hibernation, panic washed over me when I realized that Luca and my belle were nowhere to be found.

I snapped back to reality and opened my eyes upon hearing a voice. "Are you awake?" He asked.

I licked my dry lips, sat up, and cast a displeased gaze upon the unknown beast. "Who are you?" I inquired.

As I surveyed my surroundings, a sense of awe washed over me. Additionally, I couldn't help but notice the softness beneath me where I had been sleeping.

"Haha... Can't you see? I'm here, helping you" the unknown beast replied, causing me to shoot him a glare of disdain. "Are you saying that I am blind?" I felt anger welling up within me.

"No, no, no," he hastily responded. "I'm just saying that my mate saved you. Now I'm Taking care of you." His words felt like thorns stabbing into me.

I couldn't bear my belle being with any other mate besides me. She belonged to me alone.

However, she had saved me, and that made me feel elated beyond measure. "She saved me" I stated.

"Yes, yes, my mate. She's so powerful. She treated your wounds" the unknown beast explained.

I hate his voice.

The way he sound 'my mate'

she would surely break up with him sooner or later. What kind of beast had she mated with? I looked him from head to toe.

He doesn't look powerful.

He have nothing other then beauty.

However, I was certain that there were many more gorgeous beasts out there, such as Luca. No, I didn't want to think about him.

"Yes, yes, my mate. We love each other deeply, and we already have a cub together. His name is Ren" he spoke.

My expression hardened upon hearing this. They already had cubs, making it difficult to sever their bond. I glared at the terrified beast.

I transformed into a half-snake creature. My body grew larger as I slithered forward, and I relished the fear in his eyes. "Hisss..." I hissed as I approached him closely.

I was on the verge of making a move when he suddenly fainted. He had passed out.

He fainted

I was left stunned.


Even a rabbit beast would possess more power than him. He was no fun. I retreated towards the soft surface and settled down, feeling her presence. I could sense that she was here. I smirked.

This beast was nowhere near as powerful as me. As for her other mates, I laughed venomously as I leaned back, waiting for her arrival.

And then she came, holding something in her hand, the mysterious and powerful belle with her unique abilities. However, my body stiffened as I detected the presence of another beast near her.

"Heh! Why did Rosa fall asleep here?" I heard the voice of the beast. I believe it was Jaguar.

"I don't know" my love replied, her voice that I could listen to all day long. "Hey Rosa... wakey wakey" Jaguar spoke.

Another weak Beast.

"You're awake" I heard her surprised voice. I gazed at her intently. Her black eyes had turned green, which made me furrow my brow in confusion. How was this even possible? I looked down at her chest, which appeared to have grown larger.

"Thank you for saving mea" I I spoke, I never thanked anyone in life, But she was expectation. However she doesn't speak back to just Nodded I frowned, as she crouched.

"Rosa... Rosa" she spoke so gently and softly. I continued to observe her, never wanting to look away

I watched as Jaguar's eyes widened. "SEBASTIAN... LUCIANO... CAELUM... ETHAN..." he shouted. I maintained an emotionless expression as one beast after another entered the scene. Although two of them seemed weak,I couldn't underestimate the another four of them.

The fox beast with his bluish-grey eyes appeared incredibly powerful.

The panther exuded maturity and silent strength.

The peacock beast possessed both beauty and  strength.

While the bear looked very powerfull and gentle.

All of them have quality, Which Belle's desired.

Competition was tough I see.

And let's not forget Luca, with his vast resources of ocean and powers.

7 January 2024

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