Chapter 39

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The merman had a strikingly beautiful appearance as he gracefully glided through the ocean waters. His shimmering tail was an exquisite combination of baby blue and soft pink hues, reflecting the sunlight into a dazzling display of colors that left anyone who saw it awestruck. The scales on his tail appeared to almost glow as he elegantly swam through the water, causing a mesmerizing visual effect.

His toned body was sculpted with perfection, with broad shoulders and defined abs. His emerald-green eyes had a twinkle to them, and the wavy mane of his silver hair seemed to frame his face perfectly. The merman possessed an otherworldly aura that seemed to radiate from him and fill the sea around him with a sense of wonder and magic.

As he swam through the coral reefs, schools of fish would follow him, mesmerized by his ethereal beauty.

Luca POV

As I swam around the vicinity, I made sure that my underwater cave was safe and secure. Sensing the impending arrival of the Tsunami, I knew that it was crucial to establish precautions for protection. Though the Tsunami may not be an imminent threat, I prioritized safety first and foremost.

I used my power to make protection around mine cave.

In addition to this, I took the initiative to gather some edible plants in case of a potential Tsunami. Understanding the potential consequences in terms of disease and lack of food, well-prepared for disaster.

Once my task was complete, I reveled in the refreshing waters of the vast ocean. Gazing above, the radiant sun shone brilliantly and illuminated the ocean's surface. In anticipation, I swam around eagerly, seeking a formidable opponent to Challenge

As of late, I have been endeavoring to enhance my physical strength and endurance. This has allowed me to feel less hindered by a lack of water in my day-to-day life. Moreover, at the age of twenty-five, I find myself without a partner, something that has been on my mind for some time, I have decided to embark on a journey to explore the stunning landscapes of the land that surrounds me. I have grown weary of seeing the same old sea and am eager to see new, beautiful places.

As soon as my gaze fell upon the menacing figure of the Shark, my instincts kicked in and I Swam forward with my fin and tails Without hesitation to fight with him, I unleashed the sharp and deadly power of my claws, striking out with calculated precision. The cacophonous groan that emanated from the Shark serve to my ears, my ears hurt hearing them.

We circled each other, eyeing each other warily. I knew that I had to be very careful, for the Shark was fast and deadly. One wrong move, and I would be the Shark's next meal, With a sudden lunge from the Shark. I was quick to respond, dodging the attack and striking back with a powerful blow. The Shark was stunned, but it quickly regained its composure and came at me with renewed ferocity.

For hours, we fought, with neither me or he giving an inch. Every time I thought I had the upper hand, the Shark would counter, and the battle would rage on.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, I saw my opportunity. The Shark had made a mistake, and I seized the chance, delivering a crushing blow that sent the Shark reeling. It was over as I Won.

I saw it's was already night.It was a calm and peaceful night, and I decided to go for a swim. As I swam on the surface of the water, I looked up and gazed at the moonlight. It was truly a beautiful sight.

As I floated there in the water, I began to ponder about my own life. I couldn't help but feel that there was something missing.

I always wondered before if I had ever truly found my mate. Someone who would be there for me, through thick and thin. Someone who would love me unconditionally, and share my joys and sorrows.

But after some years I realized that life is not just about finding a mate, it's about finding oneself. It's about discovering one's purpose in life, and living it to the fullest.

I also decided to visit Beutiful places in World I don't want to only live and die in this sea. I also want to see how beast in land lives.

The moonlight continued to shine brightly, casting its soft glow on the water.

I sat on one rock with my Tail was splashing in water, my attention was caught by a strange sight on the cliff above. I noticed a peculiar big stange object emitting a bright light.

I decided to see tomorrow, because I felt very sleepy right now I quickly swam in, And went inside my cave after eating some fishes.

Sunday, 28may 2023

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