Chapter 57

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Ethan POV

I felt an intense jealousy welling up inside me. As I observed them up close, my mind went blank. His beauty was incomparable to anyone else, and I felt a burning sensation within me. Even my first mate have abandoned me.

Who likes fuzzy bear like me?

I also glanced at the ruggedly handsome manly beast with a scar on his face. The scar didn't hide his attractiveness; instead, it made him appear even more manly. He gently held the cubs in his arms, looking at the soft, furry babies with their orange and black stripes that had transformed into human form. Their adorable black eyes seemed to be piercing hole through Charles, who refused to let go her.

What if that incident hadn't happened? Will I also had cubs?


It was the time of the festival, the first day of the Sparky season. Every plant was sparkling like a diamond; it was their time to shine. At that time, I was a confident and young beau with many dreams in my eyes.

We didn't need light balls for the night festival since the plants themselves emitted a radiant glow. Everyone was enjoying the festival night, which was held under an old fig tree. Belles were dancing to attract powerful mates, while beaus were searching for their ideal belles.

I, too, was searching for a belle.

"Ethannnn," I heard my name and turned towards the voice. I was startled when I saw the most beautiful belle of our tribe surrounded by her twelve mates.

"Yeah, how can I help you?" I asked politely, a smile on my face.

"You're very handsome, Ethan," Sandra said as she looked me up and down. My smile stiffened, and I felt uncomfortable under her intense gaze.

"Thank you," I gave her a fake smile.

"Try this," she gestured to her male companion, who handed me fruits wrapped in a leaf.

"No, thanks," I declined, about to leave.

"Wait!" Sandra shouted, and I looked at her impatiently.

"It's for you! Don't you remember? You saved me from the Fearals," she forcefully stuffed the fruit into my arms.

"Why aren't you eating?" Her voice seemed dark.

"Ethan, eat it! It's an honor to receive something to eat from the most beautiful belle," my best friend Vale spoke, wrapping his arms around my shoulder.

"Okay," I said and took a bite. The fruit had a reddish-orange color and tasted like meat. It was delicious, so I ate another one.

"Thank you! It's yummy," I said, but she just smiled at me in a strange way and left with her mates.

I enjoyed the entire festival with my best friend Vale, dancing and laughing. At the same time, I felt something was wrong, but I ignored it. I suddenly felt the urge to pee, so I went towards the forest. As I walked, I started feeling hot and bothered. I felt dizzy, and when someone touched me, I slapped their hands away.

"Leave me alone!" I spoke angrily, wondering why this person didn't understand.

However, I was overpowered by strong hands.

And I was forced.

The next day, the whole tribe witnessed Sandra and me.

"Ethan, you have no choice. I am the mother of your cubs," she smiled provocatively at Sebastian, who was shocked. He wasn't present yesterday because he went for Neighbour tribe for a supply exchange.

"Okay," I reluctantly agreed. I had no choice since I had already mated with her, and she was carrying my cubs. I couldn't be irresponsible.

"He is so lucky Sandra accepted him."

"I wish I were her mate."

"Sandra must like him because Ethan is the second most powerful beast in the tribe."

"Yeah, a powerful beast and a beautiful belle! Unlike us, who can't even dream of having a belle."

I felt despair because I didn't even like her.

"Brother, why did you mate with her?" I was startled by Sebastian's cold voice.

"Sebastian! Me and Ethan both like each other, right?" Sandra spoke, wrapping her arms around my biceps.

"Yes," I looked at her stomach and nodded. Sebastian looked disappointed and left without looking at me.

In the beginning, she was good to me, and I started falling in love with her. Even though her bad attitude was the only thing I disliked about her, she was kind to me. I don't know when I started getting entangled in a web of lies.

My brother started ignoring me. And Sandra, who used to be kind to me, started showing her true colors. She was dissatisfied with me, but I endured it for the sake of my cubs. But...I fell in love deeply.

"Ethan, why are you so stupid? Come and help me become Sebastian's mate. That's why I mated with you."

"You think I like you? Dream on. I onlylike your brother."

"Just sleep there in the corner. Why are you coming to sleep with me?"

"Ethan, guard the door. Gio and I are having sex. Why are you so stupid?"

"Hump! If you're as powerful as your brother."

"You think you're special? No, you're nothing. Beaus like you are only worthy of serving me in bed without any status."

"I am cold. Why don't you serve me together with them?"


"Ethan, look at the mate mark you have on your stomach. Disgusting, ugly bear."

"Oh, I don't have your mark on my body."

"I wasn't even pregnant with your cubs.. it's already lost after I ate That fruit month ago.. it's your fault"

"Do you know Your friend vale killed because of you didn't help me to get together with Sebastian"

*Flashback ends.*

Now, I was nothing but a useless secondhand beau who wasn't young anymore. I didn't even look that good.

"Ethan..." I heard a soft voice, and I raised my head, my gaze meeting green, soft eyes.

She hugged me, her hands gently holding mine. She rubbed my big, rough hands and kissed my palm.

"Are you okay?" I lost myself as I looked into her eyes.

Yes, I am fine.

5 December 2023

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