Chapter 75

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Author POV

"Come here, baby," Flo spoke, trying to sound as gentle as possible.

Shyly, little Rosa Lentus approached her, his head hung low. I squatted down to his level.

"Why aren't you looking at me, baby... don't you like me?" Flo pouted, pretending to be upset.

"Nooo... I lwike ywu, Mama," his face turned red as his cold little hand softly touched her face. Flo felt her heart melting. She held his little face gently and kissed him all over, and that's when Rosa Lentus's eyes widened. he wondered why he was speaking in childish language when he knew how to speak clearly.

"What's your name, little one?" she asked, smiling and feeling like she was on cloud nine.

"I... I don't have a name," his eyes filled with tears as he looked at her.

Her heart ached. Looking at her baby, she remembered Leo and Leon.

"Can I hold him?" Sebastian hesitated, wanting to have his own baby with her. But when he saw the little guy, he liked him, especially because he looked like a mini Flo. His big black eyes curiously stared at him.

Flo chuckled. "He was also your daddy," she said, Looked at Rosa, who shrugged his shoulders and leaned against Luciano bonelessly. Luciano pushed him away expressionlessly, and he fell onto Luca, who hesitantly supported him.

"You're so kind," Rosa gratefully looked at Luca. He had decided to protect this merman. If anyone dared to attack him, he would poison them.

"Daddy Sebastian," he spoke in a low voice, a cunning glint in his eyes. He was very happy to finally be accepted by his mom.

"Hey, I'm your second daddy, Charles," Charles spoke excitedly. Finally, he had become a dad. He would definitely pamper him and give him lots of fruits. He also smirked, thinking about having a new play partner, he really missed leo and Leon.

Caelum and Ethan looked at each other helplessly, watching Charles act like a fool.

Sebastian held the little one in his arms, feeling a sense of novelty, just like when he met Leo and Leon. He felt happy when the little one called him "Daddy Sebastian."

"He was your third daddy, Ethan."

"Fourth daddy, Caelum."

"Daddy Luciano."

"And he's your uncle, Luca," Flo introduced them. Everyone loved the little one, and he shyly called them by their names.

Rosa Lentus leaned against Luca, not minding how many daddies his son had. He was too busy admiring Flo. He loved the way she talked, the way she expressed herself. Her long eyelashes cast shadows on her cheeks as she lowered her eyes to look at their son. The sparkly season glow gave her an ethereal aura, but her starry eyes held a strong presence. At this moment, she was very gentle, and he admired her long, bouncy brown hair.

*Slap* Rosa felt aggrieved as he looked at the person who hit his head. He shivered when he saw Luciano's cold yellow eyes.

"Control your drool," Luciano spoke disgustedly, though he smiled at the little one.

Luca gave him a pitying look.

Rosa pouted sadly, "Why are we getting different treatment? Doesn't anyone care about their son's father?"

His little son looked at him smugly. As a father, he understood the look in his eyes.

' Because you're stupid'

'bastard' Rosa angrily gave him look.

"Rosa have you decided his name?" Flo asked.

"You can decide," Rosa lazily replied, as he got lost in admiring Flo again, who was deep in thought about a name with her mates.

"God, even when she's lost in thought, she looks so hot," he muttered, drooling again.

"Right," Luca spoke as they both looked at each other and started admiring Flo together.

Flo cradled Little One in her arms, her heart overflowing with love. With tender affection, she pressed her lips gently against his soft forehead, Her voice soft with emotion as she whispered "Ren... His name..he will represent purity and spiritual growth."

23 December 2023

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