Chapter 73

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I heard crashing sounds and cries, causing me to quickly wake up from Ethan's arms, who also woke up.

"What happened?" he asked, lazily sitting up from the bed.

"I don't know, but I heard sounds downstairs. I'm going to check it out," I replied as I hurriedly ran outside, wearing a random white furry skirt.

"Ahhhhhh, why did you hit me? Why are you bullying me and my son? Awuhhuuuuuuuuuuu," I felt my ears about to bleed from the loud cry. Ethan and I exchanged glances.

When we reached the ground floor, I saw a gorgeous man with red hair and pinkish eyes crying. His face was red with tears, and he was squatting down in a defensive position, looking scared.

Sebastian and Luciano stood there speechless.

"What happened?" I asked.

"This beast broke into our house, claiming he was here for his child's mother," Luciano explained.

"Hey, I am not a beast... I am a plant," he spoke angrily. Luciano glared at him, which only made him more scared. However, my attention was suddenly captured by a little boy hiding behind him.

He also had red hair and black eyes, and his delicate facial features resembled both the man and me?? His chubby cheeks turned pink when he saw me looking at him.

"Shut up," growled Luciano.

"Auuhhhuuuuuuu... How can you scold me? And you, you... forget how you caressed my body with love... and how you..." he spoke with so much sadness that anyone would believe him. But I had never met him before, so how could he accuse me of things I never did?

However, when I felt many pairs of eyes on me, I felt scared and wanted to hide.

"Hey... I have never met you before. How can you accuse me of things I never did?" I spoke, fearing that my mates misunderstood.

"Y-you," he started crying, pulling the little boy ahead. He spoke, "Look at this boy... he is the best proof of your deeds. Look at his black eyes... and look at his face." I looked at the little boy... he really looked like me. But I had never met him before or had any relationship with him.

"No... You're lying. I have been here for months, and I have never given birth to a child," I spoke.

"Heh... I gave birth to our son," hearing this from the red-haired man, I was stunned. I heard gasps.

"No way, are you a meta beast?" exclaimed Luca, his eyes widening.

"What?" I looked at Luca with a questioning expression.

"Meta beasts are plants that transform into beasts... but they went extinct after the war," Ethan explained.

God! Even plants can transform.

"I am Rosa lentus... it's you who touched me without permission, and I had to give birth reluctantly... Look at our child, how innocent he is. How can you be such a cruel mother?"

Suddenly, the image of a rose-like lotus in a lake that I had touched came to mind.

"But how... the child is so big..." I questioned.

"How can you be so stupid... awuhhuuuuuuuuuuu... you touched my spore, which awakened me from a long hibernation... and when *hiccup* you touched me, I absorbed you... uwuuuuuuuuuuu." I felt the world spinning... God! How is this even possible?

I couldn't believe it.

I couldn't believe it.

"Why won't you take... me and our son... awuuu... I will plant my roots outside your house... I won't eat your food... but what about our son, who is only a few weeks old..."

I was speechless.

I looked at the boy, who appeared to be about two years old.

"Mumma!" he shouted, his eyes red, and my heart softened.

22 December 2023

🌹💮: Rosa lentus 😂 Sounds like Scientific name..

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