Chapter 94

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Author POV

Sebastian and Ethan, two brothers, were joyfully setting the dinner table while engaged in conversation. Luciano, in his panther form, peacefully slept on the sofa with his head resting on his paw.

Charles and Ren sat together, speaking in hushed tones, while Caelum, in his peacock form, roamed around the hall. Luca, lost in his own thoughts, seemed distant.


Suddenly, there was a loud bang. Sebastian dropped the plate he was holding, his mouth agape in surprise.

"What happened, Sebby?" Ethan asked, following Sebastian's gaze. His jaw almost hit the wooden floor when he saw what had caught Sebastian's attention.

Caelum nearly stumbled to the ground, Luca's eyes widened as he couldn't look away, and Luciano, awakened by the noise, found it hard to catch his breath upon seeing her.

There she was, Lily, with her hazel eyes. Her long brown hair flowed down to her waist, and she wore a short light green skirt that revealed her legs and thighs. Lily walked barefoot, each step causing her hair to bounce, while her innocent hazel eyes scanned the room. She blinked, her gaze fixing on them.

Her presence excited everyone, especially as they witnessed her another side, something they had not expected again.

"Hi" she waved her hand at them, curiosity evident in her eyes.

"Uh, h-hi" stammered Sebastian.

Lily gave Sebastian a big smile, but her eyes turned sad when she realized the others weren't saying anything to her.

"You guys don't like me..." her small voice sounded melancholic, and her hazel eyes became teary.

A big fat tear rolled down her cheek.

Luciano quickly regained his senses and transformed into his human form, wrapping himself in an animal fur skin.

"No, no, we don't hate you, Lily. You just surprised us," Ethan replied, coming back to his senses.

Caelum also transformed into a human, his eyes wide as he looked at Lily. Luca blushed, rose from his seat, and walked towards her.

"Hehehe," Lily laughed softly, and the hearts of all the beasts in the room almost come in their thorat.

"Wife~~~~" Rosa, who had descended the stairs, she turned towards him, causing him to almost lose his balance.

His pink eyes widened as she grinned at him.

"Rosie..." Lily exclaimed, her voice filled with cuteness.

"Rosie?" Rosa lentus spoke, the name sounding like Belle's, although he didn't particularly like it. It was the first nickname his wife had given him.

"You don't like it? I used to have a dog named Rosie, and your name is Rosa... So, I decided to give you the nickname Rosie," she spoke sadly, casting a longing look at Rosa. Rosa was unable to refuse her innocent eyes.


"Can we have dinner? I'm hungry," Lily said, rubbing her tummy, and Sebastian couldn't help but coo at her cuteness.

But suddenly, she was tackled by a large jaguar beast as it pounced on her.


"What are you doing?"

The impact wasn't significant as Charles playfully licked her face with his tongue.

"No... Hhwhah... Charles," Lily giggled as the large furry head began tickling her. Charles' soft fur coat smelled amazing.

"No... no, Charles, I..." She burst into more laughter as his tail tickled her waist, and she tried to push away the playful beast.

"Okay... Okay, Charles, that's enough." Luciano picked up the large jaguar baby with his hands, and the little legs kicked in the air. He gently placed Charles down, and Lily sat up, laughing. Her hair was a mess, and Luciano couldn't help but gulp when he saw her skirt ridden up.

However, his view was interrupted as Lily stood up, and behind her, Ethan, Sebastian, and Caelum were in same situation as him.

Leaving Rosa, Luca, and Charles alone, three innocent beasts without a single impure thought.

"What's your actual name?" Caelum asked softly.


10 January 2023

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