Chapter 77

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Author POV

In the sparky season, there is no sense of time. But when night falls, the glow becomes even more radiant. Finally, Flo took Ren to bathroom. Her heart was pounding as she led Ren to the bathroom. he was wearing Fine soft red clothing like primitive used to wear, he looked like little jungle boy. As she took off his clothes, he seemed very shy, and she chuckled.

Flo placed Ren in the bathtub. He looked very happy and started swimming around. He didn't even look week old; his growth seemed very fast.

"Thank you, Mum," He spoke as he splashed water and turned a little lotus. She felt amused as the little leaf held water but kept falling from him. His gorgeous red petals looked even more beautiful. The fragrance started emitting from him, calming her mind and body.

After playing, he turned back into a little boy. His big black eyes looked at her curiously as she made him wear Furry pyjamas, She naturally have Children clothing in her space, She almost emptied whole mall back then.

" baby is so cute," Flo cooed. He looked very cute and soft. His cheeks turned pink as Flo picked him up. He wrapped his arms around her neck, hiding her face. A smile never left her face as she took him to her room. She had already bathed and washed before.

Charles was already in bed, looking very bored when he saw them. He happily jumped toward them.

"Be careful," exclaimed Flo when she saw Charles jumping from the bed.

He growled as he rubbed his huge body against Flo.

"Charles, at least let me walk," Flo laughed as she put Ren in the middle. Charles jumped on the bed, nudging Ren, who started giggling. He turned into a human and covered their bodies with a blanket.

Flo smiled, witnessing the heartwarming scene. She remembered her mother used to tell her stories she wanted to tell Ren...

"Ren, do you want to hear bedtime stories?" she asked softly.

"What is a bedtime story?" Charles asked, confused, while Ren looked at her curiously.

"Okay! I will tell you guys bedtime stroy..." Flo took a deep breath and started telling.

"Once upon a time, there was a boy named James...

_zombie opened its wide mouth, about to bite him, but he ran away. And when the zombie's mouth was wide open with green liquid, a mosquito went inside its mouth. Its face looked hideous with green liquid coming out of its pores..." She looked very engrossed.

Both pitiful Ren and Charles shivered. Even Ren, who hadn't cried since birth, wanted to cry. Charles regretted his decision to sleep here; he didn't want to hear about zombies and green liquid anymore. He didn't even know what it was. But it's disgusting.

"How is the story?" Flo asked, excited. Ren and Charles smiled, uglier than crying.

"I am sweeping," Ren spoke, shivering.

"I am also sleepy" Charles said and started snoring the next second.

"Huh?" Flo was confused and fell asleep while holding Ren, who shivered under her touch. She thought he was cold, so she hugged him even tighter.

Both pitiful Ren and Charles must have had a great trauma that night!


The next day, they were having breakfast with curious Ren, who was asking about this and that.

"Seb~I want to explore outside with Ren," Flo asked Sebastian hesitantly.

"Okay, I will also come with you," hesitated Sebastian spoke.

In the end, they decided to go together, except Rosa, who seemed to not want to go outside.

"You all go. I want to go under my vase," Rosa spoke. Indeed, he was easy to raise.

The sparky season was now Flo's favorite season. She felt the cold breeze against her, the air was so pure without any toxicity. Life here was easier than during the apocalypse when danger lurked anytime, anywhere.

The plants seemed to come alive, glowing softly. The moon was full, and fireflies were everywhere. Whenever they passed, they could pick intoxicating fruit with Charles as their guide.

"I am going to hunt," spoke Luciano. "You all stay with Flo and take care of her."

"Okay, take care," spoke Flo. He nodded his head as he ran towards a certain direction.

While Sebastian was holding ren and Took him somewhere instructing Ethan Caleum and Charles to take care of her.

Ethan, Caleum, and Flo were picking fruits together, while Charles was smelling the grass and doing something.

Luca felt like he saw someone familiar. He spoke to Flo, "I'll be back," and only Caleum heard him; he nodded his head.

"Nono, is that you?" Luca asked when he saw a big bee.

Nono turned into a beastman. He had a fluffy yellow head and black eyes.

"Luca, is that you?" Nono smiled happily.

"But what are you doing here?" Luca asked, hesitating.

"I have to ask you, what are you doing in this land?" Nono asked, confused.

"I am here to wander in this land..." Luca spoke. Although he came here to wander around and explore, meeting her had stopped his intentions. He didn't want to wander alone anymore.

"Liar... why didn't you tell me you're seeing someone special?" teased Nono, as he smelled an attractive scent from Luca's body.

"I... I..." Luca looked shy, his cheeks turning red.

"But why didn't you mate with her?" Nono asked, confused.

"I don't know how to tell her... what if she rejects me?" spoke Luca.

Nono looked shocked. "You don't know how to court a belle? But with your beauty and personality, you can easily impress her."

"But I don't know how to do that..." Luca looked worried.

"It's okay... I have plans for you," Nono smiled as he looked at his best friend. It was Luca who had helped him when he fell into the ocean and got injured. If not for him, he didn't know if he would even be alive.

"Are you staying here?" Luca's face brightened after hearing Nono's plan and asked.

"Nope... I'm here to find some fruit that my belle likes to eat, Its only grow in This area" Nono's face had a smile as he spoke. "Bye, Luca, or else I'll be late." Nono turned into a big bee and buzzed away, leaving Luca alone, lost in thought.

25 December

🎄 Happy Merry Christmas ⛄🎁  Wishing you joy, love, and peace ♥️

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