Chapter 95

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Arnold POV

My cubs are sleeping peacefully. I lazily sat on my sack in my new cave, located in North Beast City with my cubs. It's a relatively safe place, perfect for my cubs.

However, I can't help but remember the words I heard earlier.

"Disgusting tiger! He was abandoned and still dares to come to Beast City."

"He was ruthless. He didn't even go mad after his mate canceled... He really didn't love his Belle."

"Oh that's why his mate aboadned him"

"Tsk..He was lucky Atleast he was mated unlike us no one looked at us"

I smiled coldly. Do those words affect me? Not even a little bit.

I fucking don't care.

Sure, I may be ruthless because I didn't love my ex-belle, Lisa. I hated her, and I'm actually happy that she canceled our mateship. Her entire existence is disgusting to me. She abused my cubs behind my back, forced me into a mating, and ordered me around as if she were my master. But I still have my dignity. I won't tolerate such behavior.

I'm not like other beaus who would do anything for their mates, even if it means killing themselves.

Suddenly, her gorgeous face and long Brown hair appears in my mind—her playing with my cubs, her body against mine when I attacked her, her softness against my hard body. The mere thought of her almost makes me lose myself in pleasure.

It's not like I haven't experienced mating before, but I didn't enjoy it much with Lisa. Her smell and disgusting voice almost killed me. I never touched her afterward. Thankfully, the only good thing she did for me was give birth to Leo and Leon.

When I noticed someone approaching my cave, I raised my guard, but I relaxed upon sensing a familiar scent.

"Alexander," I spoke as I watched the white lion enter my cave. He had a silky white mane, captivating dark electric blue eyes, and a silky and furry body coat.


He was an incomplete beast.

I still remember when I came to Beast City, only Alexander was willing to talk to me. But there are always some people who can't keep their mouths shut when they see us getting along.

"Tsk tsk, abandoned beast and incomplete beast, what a wonderful pair."

"Although Alexander was powerful, who likes an incomplete beast?"

"Disgusting... I'd rather mate with worms."

I watched as Alexander transformed into his human form. He had long white hair, electric blue eyes, a wheat-colored skin tone, and a well-built body. Unfortunately, he still had his lion ears and tail in human form, which meant he was considered an incomplete beast.

But Alexander was powerful in strength. Although he appeared tough on the outside, he was the biggest softie I had ever seen. He loved playing with Leo and Leon.

"Thank God you're here. I need to go to the King's cave," I said as Alexander nodded his head. He didn't smile; I had never seen him smile.

"Take care." Turning into a beast, I ran outside.

As I walked towards the King's cave, which was built in the largest mountain, I realized how enormous it was. I had only been there once when I wanted to live there with my cubs. They accepted me after seeing my strength.

When I reached the cave, I stopped in my tracks because I overheard them mentioning her name. My ears are very sensitive, so I could still hear their conversation.

"Her name was Fiorella," I heard them say. "But Tiger King, how do we get rid of her?" It was the voice of the Cockroach King.

"Hump! How powerful can she be? Just send the most powerful groups of T-Rexes and buffalos."

"But Tiger King, she also has powerful mates, and we need to find out where she is right now..." the Cockroach King spoke again.

"Oh, don't worry about finding her. We will send the eagle team. They will find her easily. As for her mates, they don't deserve to live."

I clenched my fists, almost biting my tongue.

Arnold, calm down.

Without making a sound, I ran as fast as I could. I heard shouts in the distance as they realized someone was there.

11 January 2024

Alexander ❤️❣️

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