Chapter 102

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Arnold POV

I looked at the grim sight in front of me. There were dead bodies scattered randomly with Ground dyed with blood. As I made my way towards Sebastian and Luciano, who were now seated on the ground, leaning against each other, I could see their labored breaths and numerous injuries.

"Arnold," Ethan exclaimed in surprise at my arrival. I nodded in acknowledgment as Caelum descended from the sky with an unconscious Lily cradled in his arms.

"What happened to her?" I inquired, prompting a chorus of voices.

"She was tried," Caelum spoke softly, settling down beside Sebastian while still tenderly holding Lily.

"That was the most intense battle," Ethan said and Sebastian agreed by nodding his head.

"Our home has been destroyed once again," Charles grumbled, his anger evident as he sat down, his tail swishing in frustration.

"But why did they target us?" Lucas asked, clearly perplexed.

"I know," I spoke heavily, capturing the attention of everyone present.

"Actually... I overheard a conversation between the Tiger King and the Cockroach King. They want to capture her because they perceive her as a threat... and I rushed here to inform you that they've sent troops of beasts. However, they arrived before me... and I don't believe they will stop here," I explained, pausing briefly before continuing. "Furthermore, I also need to rescue my friend who has been captured by them."

"We will save him," a voice interjected. I was unsure of what to call her, as she had many names due to her shifting personality. I noticed her hazel eyes and the presence of a new mates beside her, a gergeous beast with pinkish eyes, red hair, and fair, pale skin. He cradled a little cub in his arms.

She already has a cub? My eyes widened in surprise.

My gaze then fell upon Luca, who was also mated with her, He became her mate at last, and I know that he has strong feelings for her.

And there was the snake-like beast, with deep-set black eyes, golden hair, and pink lips. His complexion was the fairest.

They were all so striking and beautiful, unlike me, with scars covering my body and tanned skin.

"I am soo tired" her sweet voice reached my ears, and I felt a pang in my heart as she nestled her furry head against Caelum's chest, seeking comfort.

So adorable. I wished I could rub her head too.

Wait, I feel like I'm forgetting something.

"Oww..." Lily giggled as two tiger cubs began to climb all over her. She hugged them tightly, her laughter filling the air.

A smile crept onto my face at the sight, but my heart grew heavy as I thought of Alexander.

"What do you mean by 'we save him'?" I asked, seeking clarification.

"We will save him," she reiterated, her attention still focused on the cubs, while her red-haired cub curiously approached Leo and Leon.

"His name is Ren," Luciano chimed in.

I smiled at him, though I couldn't help but wonder if my scarred smile was unattractive.

"But I don't think we can all go to the Beast City to save him. They must already know us, so..." Sebastian's usually quiet voice broke the silence.

"What do you think, Sebby?" Ethan inquired, his honey brown eyes filled with concern.

"Aurora shared an idea with me," Lily suddenly spoke up.

All eyes turned to her, but she didn't meet our gaze. Instead, she watched Ren, Leo, and Leon play together.

"What's the idea, Lily?" Luciano asked softly.

"She suggested that some of us stay here while others go to the Beast City... in disguise."

27 January 2024

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