Chapter 44

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Luca's POV

After a long walk, we entered a forest and Flo asked me to stop. I looked around and found ourselves in a hidden corner surrounded by thick trees. Suddenly, a bright flash caught my attention, and I saw a peculiar, large object.

I had seen this thing before, near a cliff by the sea. My eyes widened in surprise as I recognized it.

Flo looked at me deeply and said, "This is called an RV. It's where we'll be living for the next few days." I was curious and couldn't help but touch it gently.

"Amazing," I exclaimed, but I couldn't help but wonder where this thing came from and how Flo managed to bring it here seemingly out of thin air.

I quickly brushed aside my doubts, knowing that there are many things in this world that I have yet to discover. That's why I embarked on this journey of exploration.

"Let's go inside," she said, and I followed her eagerly, taking in everything around me. Suddenly, something clicked, and the surroundings brightened up.

"What's this?" I asked, looking around with curiosity touching Kind of soft things and hard thing.

"That's a bed, where we sleep," she patiently answered each of my questions.

"And that's a table."

"A chair."

After my inquiries, I sat down on something soft and even peered outside from within the RV, but I couldn't see what was inside from the outside.

"What about Sirius?" she asked, referring to a snake. I informed her that he had gone into hibernation since winter had arrived, so he left quickly.

I glanced at Flo, remembering Sirius had told me she is his future mate whom he wants to pursue. It made me feel uneasy, but I quickly hid my discomfort when a delightful aroma wafted through the air.

She made me sit on a chair and presented me with food in a peculiar container. I eagerly tasted it and found it incredibly delicious. It was my first time experiencing such flavorful land food.

"I have never realized how tasty land food can be," I remarked with surprise.

"Here, try some coke," she offered me a can. I looked at her in confusion, but her amused expression put me at ease.

"Like this," she demonstrated, showing me how to open the can. I felt the coldness radiating from it and took a sip.

Sip after sip, I quickly finished the drink, feeling refreshed and cool. When our eyes met, she smiled slightly.

She was definitely an good person.

"Thank goodness my body doesn't get sick in the cold," she commented. "I really enjoy the snow," she added, gazing outside. I didn't know what to say.

But looking at her face, I made a silent promise to myself that I would protect her if she ever faced danger, not just because of the promise I made to Sirius.

"You must be tired. Let's go to sleep," I suggested, looking at the bed she had mentioned. She walked towards it and clicked something, and another bed appeared.

"This is a two-story bed, so we don't have to worry about sleeping together," she explained before quickly climbing up. I watched her as she fell asleep effortlessly.

I, too, climbed into bed, feeling the softness beneath me. Sleepiness washed over me, and before I knew it, I was fast asleep.

I didn't notice when someone turned off the lights and flash of red eyes.

🐆Charles POV🐆

"I don't want to eat anything," I muttered, hiding my face in my paws. I could sense Sebastien's sigh of exasperation.

I didn't understand what was happening to me. I had agreed to be her mate because of the food, but now, at this moment, memories of the good times we spent together flooded my mind.

I remembered her laughter.

Her smile.

The way she cuddled with me.


I miss her sooooo much.

A surge of unfamiliar emotions overwhelmed me, making it hard to distinguish one from another.

"Because you love her," a voice broke the silence, and I raised my head to meet a pair of deep yellow eyes.

Lucicano held a piece of meat on a leaf, quickly sitting beside me and placing the food near me. He patted my head gently, I don't know why all like to patt my fur.

"Did I say that aloud?" I asked, feeling embarrassed. Lucicano nodded in response.

"Actually, I didn't want to tell you as a competitor... but as a friend, yes, I wanted to let you know. You love her. I knew it from the moment I saw the way you looked at her, so at ease and carefree. Unlike other beastmen who worry about gaining favor, I was surprised to hear that you haven't realized your feelings yet."

Did I love her? I felt utterly confused.

"Just imagine how you'll feel when you touch her body... when you mate with her. Then you'll truly know," he lazily remarked, standing up and leaving swiftly.

My fur felt like it was about to burst with emotions.

"And eat something because we need Energy to Find her..... " he shouted from far.

28 September 2023,

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