Chapter 40

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I have come to the conclusion that spending the night in the wilderness is not good Idea. Instead, I opted to park my RV at a convenient distance from the nearby cliff. After a fulfilling meal and a cool shower, I settled into my cozy bed and gazed out the window. In the stillness of the night, I could still hear the soothing sound of the ocean waves.

In the apocalypse, I experienced The sea and the land were not clean. I had one task to do, and that was to kill zombies. At night, I had to be hyper-aware and couldn't sleep properly because I had to be alert constantly.

In Beastworld, there are lots of wild animals that can be really dangerous. But I don't have to worry, there are also some truly amazing and enchanting places that are definitely worth exploring. I personally can't wait to see more of them! Plus, I feel confident in my skills to protect myself from any dangerous creatures that might cross my path. So let's forget about the dangers and focus on all the incredible sights and experiences waiting for me in Beastworld!

I ran my fingers over Four marks of mate, gazing outside blankly without any thoughts I fall sleep.

As I woke up, I stretched out my arms and legs. My outfit was loose and comfy, I washed my face and brushed my teeth and making breakfast I ate.

I than take warm bath, I just washed my hair so I want to dry it naturally

As I gazed at my reflection in the mirror, I couldn't help but admire my luscious, long brown tresses that cascaded down to my waist. However, the task of hairstyle my hair was overwhelming, as I had previously been accustomed to shorter hair,

Stepping outside my RV, I decided to do some morning walk. However, as I gazed out to the ocean, something felt off. The atmosphere was dark, and the waves were restless and wild.

Anyway I am leaving today for finding my mates.

Is it about to rain I dout because Ethan Told that Rainy days have finished and it's about to Start Snowy days.

I sat on Clif edge Enjoying restless splashing of Ocean waves and when out of nowhere, the water started to recede

Black clouds had started to gather in the distance, and the wind had picked up pace. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore was now thrumming in my ears, and I took a step back. Suddenly, the waves started to rise higher and higher, forming walls of water that seemed to be taller than the buildings I ever saw.

My heart was pounding in my chest as I watched the incoming Tsunami approach me.

"Dmmmm!!!" My eyes widened when The waves roared closer and closer.


"Don't tell me it's Tsunami...."

"God...why don't you let me in peace..."

"What should I do...what should I do..." first I put my RV in Space, there was not even somthing I hold firm, And if I Take out floating tube there was no way I was float in dangerous tsunami.

The waves finally came crashing down on me, and I was swept away by the sheer force of the water. I had a hard time keeping my breath as the water choked me.

its forceful water choked me. I struggled to stay afloat and tried to swim, but the mammoth wave ultimately took control. The struggle to survive was intense as I felt myself getting tossed and churned in the turbulent water. I fought with all my might to prevent myself from drowning, but it was in vain. As the wave became too powerful.

I thrashed around, and try to use my Earth ability to cantrol Tsunami, but it was no use. The water was too strong, and I was quickly losing strength.

Just when I thought that all was lost, I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me.


Author POV

Charles looked like he was lost weight, looked tried he drank water from river.

"I don't why...Her location very very far away..." Ethan spoke anxious.

Sebastian was leaning against rock in beast from his white fur are looked dirty, and he was lifelessly looking at one direction.

Caelum come back holding Prey, His eyes have dark circles around them, and his face was pale and Blank.

"She must Also trying to find you all so please take of care of yourself" Luciano spoke, as He took prey from Caelum hands distribution them in equal, they have been eating Raw meat anyway they don't care.


"Is this the cave Sebastian and that bitch used to live in?" Sandra inquired, still seated atop one of her wolve mate as she took in her surroundings with a greedy gaze.

Liam, one of her mates, confirmed her suspicion with a nod. "Yes, it was his cave."

Sandra dismounted her wolf and sank into the nearby sofa, relishing its plush comfort. "It's so soft," she murmured in delight. Her eyes wandered to the bed, and as she saw the other amenities the cave had to offer, her eyes began to twinkle. "Liam, I want this cave," she demanded, her excitement bubbling over.

Liam hesitated briefly, but before he could respond, She started look around and Sandra threw herself onto the bed and began rolling around in sheer pleasure. The feel of the soft surface was irresistible. She beckoned to her two other mates, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Let's all mate here - it would be so incredibly enjoyable!"

I hate her..She was snatching their home in absence....😫

I am soooo new semester about to start with overwhelming labs and classes...😭😭😭😭 i don't think than I have time to write... But I will still write 😸

But you guys are amazing Seriously 10k...Oh lord!! That's amazing 😍 Thank you so much...

Thursday, 1 Jun 2023

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