Chapter 43

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Luciano's POV:

I waited for my chance, feeling jealous as I watched many Beastmen challenging her mates to win her over.

I clenched my fist, knowing I would emerge as the winner.

After one of her mates Won, I made my way through the crowd, never taking my eyes off her. I couldn't help but bite my lip as I imagined her being mine tonight.

I looked at her, but her gaze was fixed solely on that fox named Sebastian. Could he even compare himself to me?

"Luciano from the Black Panther Tribe here to challenge," I spoke, gazing at her. However, she barely even glanced in my direction. I don't think she even heard my name.

My frustration turned towards the fox, and I launched an attack, eager to defeat him.

As our fight intensified, I was surprised to see that even after fighting numerous times, he was still able to match my strength.

I felt challenged, but a smirk crept across my face when I realized I had gained the upper hand.

Just as I was about to deliver the final blow, I heard a firm voice.

"STOP!" Fiorella shouted loudly, her cold gaze fixed upon me. I was shocked.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she looked at Sebastian with worry and love. She examined his injuries and the blood on his white fur, distracted by it. Meanwhile, I had black fur, and I doubted anyone could spot blood on it.

"If you want to become my mate, you have to fight me," her voice was icy. I felt hurt, but at the same time, I felt proud that she cared so deeply for her mate. The same affection she would have for me in the future-I was sure of it.

"Interesting," I spoke, captivated by her.

Suddenly, I was startled by a roar. In that moment, she was plucked away by a daredevil. Shocked, I attacked his legs, desperate to grab her. My eyes widened when I saw Charles fall to the ground with a thud, likely breaking his back and ribs. Yet he continued to fight with all his might.

I joined the attack, not knowing where the other tribesmen warriors had gone. I couldn't see anyone around. I focused on the fight, feeling a deep sense of sympathy for her mates. They had been fighting for her all this time, even though they were exhausted.

My eyes widened as the daredevil was about to devour Charles. With his foot about to stomp me, a cold wind blew, and the sun hid behind clouds. The temperature dropped sharply.

I heard a painful roar, and instinctively, I raised my arms and closed my eyes. Then, I heard a heavy thud.

She fell on her back with Charles on top of her. She lovingly touched his furry, bloody face with so much tenderness. And in her gaze, there was something else.

I was shocked when I saw her red irises. They were sharp and beautiful like rubies, but filled with coldness.

"Take care of them," her voice was cold and demanding as she instructed me.

She picked up Charles and her mate and carried them to a safe place. She told me to find a healer for them as she headed back to kill that daredevil. I believed in her, that she could do it. But before she could go, I caught her wrist. In exchange for letting her go, I made a condition-I wanted to become her mate.

I knew she barely even knew my name. But I was certain that in the future, she would not only know my name but every inch of me.

Flo's POV:

It's such a lovely sight to see a mermaid swimming in the water, but what scared her the most was how deep the water was. However, she still enjoyed watching the mermaid splash around.

She was feeling a bit bored, hoping she would meet her soulmate soon. Even though she hadn't officially met them, she already had feelings for them. It was strange to feel so strongly for someone she hadn't even met yet.

"Flo?" I lifted my head and found myself locking eyes with Forest green irises were filled with concern.

"Oh, hey... what's going on?" I sat up abruptly, realizing that I had drifted off into deep thoughts without even realizing if I was awake or asleep.

"Can we find a safe place now? We need to locate one before nightfall," he said softly, his gaze fixed on me as if I were his entire universe. I quickly averted my eyes and nodded in agreement.

We began walking in this place, not knowing where we were. The biggest challenge we faced was Luca, who had trouble walking and had to move at a slower pace.

I came to a halt and turned to him, my curiosity getting the better of me. "Do you have any idea where we are or where we can find a place to stay?"

He looked at me, shaking his head. "I've always been at sea, so I'm not familiar with lands area..."

A headache started to creep in, and to make matters worse, snow began to fall from the sky. It would have been a beautiful sight under different circumstances.

With the safety of both Luca and myself in mind, I made a decision. It was time to reveal my secret to him. After all, he seemed like an easy person to confide in, right?

26 September 2023

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