Chapter 48

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Fiorella POV

I woke up abruptly to the sound of a loud knock and crying from outside. I sat up in bed, sweat covering my forehead, wondering what was happening. walking towards the door. I peered through the peephole and was shocked to see a small baby outside.

The baby had a cute, furry yellowish orange head, and his black eyes were filled with tears. he looked chubby and adorable.

Without hesitation, I quickly opened the door, unsure of why this child was here in the first place. I crouched down to the child's level and asked, "What happened to you, baby? And where are your parents?"

He bit his chubby finger, and fat tears rolled down his face as he spoke with hiccups, "My... dada... dwaying... help me pwease..."

"What!" My eyes widened in shock, and Luca, hearing my voice, came downstairs, visibly concerned.

"What happened?" Luca asked anxiously.

I didn't reply to him as I focused on the baby. "Can you take me to your dada?" I asked the child.

"Yes!" His black eyes lit up, and he quickly transformed into a small, furry baby tiger. He beckoned for me and Luca to follow him.

We followed the baby tiger, locking the RV behind us. After a long distance, the baby tiger finally stopped in front of a stone, looking at me with teary eyes.

There was a man whose face was covered in blood, and his hands and legs were scarred and bloody. He was unconscious.

I looked at Luca, and we exchanged glances.

"Luca, can you carry him?" I asked, to which he nodded.

He quickly picked up the man, and I cradled the baby tiger in my arms. He looked at me with his wet, tear-filled eyes, his fur around eyes are damp. I gently patted him, though I had no experience with babies, and followed Luca, who was carrying the man.

When I looked down, I saw that the baby tiger had fallen asleep in my arms. My heart softened at the sight.

Once we reached the RV, I asked Luca to wipe the man's body clean. After laying the unconscious man in the bed, I placed the baby tiger on the sofa and approached the injured man. He had some cuts and injuries.

I quickly fetched a bowl of water and a clean cloth and carefully wiped his face. He also had an yellowish orange hair, wheat skin tone, his facial features were more muscular. A scar on his left cheek made him appear more like a Mafia boss.

'Can you check his pulse?' Relly's voice echoed in my mind.

'Yeah' I replied.

'You only need to clean the wounds with alcohol and bandage them... And he fainted due to exhaustion' her gentle voice guided me as I quickly followed her instructions.

After making sure he was fine, I turned around and placed a blanket over his body. It was then that I realized he was naked. I quickly averted my eyes and turned around, only to collide with a hard chest.

"Careful," Luca said, putting his arms around my waist. I looked into his green eyes, which held admiration and something else for me. I blushed as I caught a whiff of his light, ocean-like fragrance.

"Thank you," I said, and he released his arms from around me.

"It's okay... Just be careful next time," he spoke softly, looking at me with a warm expression. His face looked even more breathtaking.

I suddenly felt he appear weird but I quickly shook of thoughts. As I glanced at the peacefully sleeping baby tiger on the sofa, I failed to notice the smirk on Luca's face.

 As I glanced at the peacefully sleeping baby tiger on the sofa, I failed to notice the smirk on Luca's face

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Sunday12 November 2023

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12 November 2023

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