Chapter 61

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Luciano POV

I felt anxious. I had always heard that belles liked strong, silent, manly beaus. However, when it came to her, it seemed like a different case. The morning outside was still dark, and I felt a little cold. I rubbed my eyes and leaned back with both hands on the ground, looking at the person who had been occupying my mind since we met.

Her long brown locks fell on half of her face, her fair skin tone contrasting with her brown hair. Her tempting pink lips were plump and plush, and I couldn't help but desire to kiss them for a long time.

She didn't seem to be physically intimate with her other mates except for Sebastian. I didn't know much about kissing and other things beyond mating pleasure until the day I saw Sebastian and her together. I don't know if Sebastian was clouded by lust, but he didn't notice my presence. Watching them together, I felt kind of turned on and took a deep breath, thinking that she would soon be mine.

"Ummm..." She stirred from her sleep, and I was shocked. But I breathed a sigh of relief when she turned to her side, giving me a view of her chest. Seeing how big and tempting they were, I couldn't help but gulp.

"Argh..." I sat up, quickly transforming into a panther and putting my skirt aside. I heard Sebastian chuckle, indicating that he had woken up.

"What?" I asked, sexually frustrated and feeling angry at his chuckle.

A smile appeared on his face as he looked down at my little brother in animal form, which was erect.

"Dmm!" I ran outside.


I found a small pond nearby. It was very cold outside, and the sun had started to rise. I looked around for a thorny tree (Acacia) to use for brushing my teeth.

When I found one, I quickly jumped into the water, making sure no one was around, and turned back into my human form.

I decided to solve this problem with my own hands, thinking about her tempting body.

"GOD!" I turned my head and saw her standing there with a red hue on her cheeks. However, I didn't hide myself. After all, most beaus always roamed around naked, so she wouldn't mind, right?

I was delighted to see her blushing because of me. She turned away, wanting to walk away.

"Hey... wait," I called out. Hearing me, she stopped. "Why don't you look at me?" I asked, and she turned around.

I walked out of the water, my whole body on display in front of her. Then she ran away.

She's really going to kill me one day.

"What did you do to her?" It was Charles. Looking at him, I shook my head.

"Nothing... She just saw my body and ran away," I said. Hearing me, his eyes widened. It looked like he didn't believe me.


"Of course, why would I lie to you?" I smirked.

I sat on the shore, naturally drying myself off, and watched as Charles jumped into the water in his beast form. He swam around the pond. He really liked the water.

"Catch, Charles!" I heard her voice again and raised my eyebrows. She wasn't looking at me but threw a colorful ball into the pond.

Charles started chasing the ball, playing around. His huge paws tried to hold it, but it kept slipping out of his grip.


After a while, we left her alone as she wanted to bathe. All of us were ready to continue our journey.

She changed her animal skirt to a white fur skin of a rabbit, which made her look very adorable.

Wearing the white furry skirt, her long brown hair reached her butt. Her green eyes were like a forest. Overall, she looked adorable. She was really shorter than me, and her head only reached below my chest.

Dmm! How small she would be under my huge body.

"Relly, why don't you sit on Luci back today?" I heard Sebastian's voice, and I was startled. I looked at her in expectation, she avoided looking at me and nodded her head.

Luca sat on Caelum's back, given him a wild air ride. As I looked at the peacock, which was rolling in the sky, and the merman clinging to it for dear life, I knew this peacock enjoyed scaring people. Yesterday it was Relly, and now it's Luca.

"I also want to fly..." Charles spoke enviously.

"Let's go," Ethan said. As I sat on the ground, she sat on my back and clung to my neck.

This feeling...

I closed my eyes, opened them, and ran behind the big bear. Sebastian and Charles were already ahead.

Her fragrance was really tempting...

She was different from the other belles.

AndI noticed that she would go into heat during different stages of seasons, which made me worry for her. Most mega beasts like T-rex, Albertosaurus, and Spinosaurus, who couldn't transform into humans, used belles as cub breeders.

Thankfully, she wasn't fat; otherwise, they would always target her. In the eyes of those beasts, a fat belle meant a higher possibility of bearing their brutal mating. They didn't care about facial appearance or attitude; they just needed a belle who could bear their offspring.

Thinking about them, I shook my head. I hoped she would never cross paths with them. But if they tried to harm her, I wouldn't think twice before killing them. I had studied their vital parts and weaknesses, and I wasn't afraid of them. But if only...

9 December 2023

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