Chapter 80

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Author POV:

Her grey steel eyes flashed with dangerous light as her lips curved up. She stood up on the horse just as Caelum was about to fall.

"Try to fly in a straight line," her voice was elegant but devoid of any emotions. After seeing him fly with stability, her attention turned to the red-head who looked incredibly scared and raised his head in panic.

With no time to lose, she sprang into action, gripping the horse's mane tightly. The powerful horse reared when it felt her pull, bringing the heavy herd to a skidding halt just in time. She leapt off and rubbed the horse's head, then looked at Rosa, who was gazing at her dreamily.

"Get up," she spoke, with Caelum standing beside her, arms folded over his chest.

Rosa got up, looking down, and followed both of them.

"Oh, my pitiful feet! Why do they walk so fast? Can't they see... a beauty like me suffering?"

In less than half hour they reached the house, in living room Caelum grabbed Rosa's wrist and angrily asked, "Explain."

Rosa rubbed his red wrist, which had been hurt, and hearing the commotion, everyone gathered around them.

"What happened?" asked Sebastian.

"Caelum, what happened to Rosa? And why are you angry at him?" Ethan asked, looking worried.

"Are you okay, Rosa?" Luca asked, noticing his red wrist and elbow scratches.

"Ask him what he is doing outside alone... and what the fuck were you doing? Don't you know he almost got crushed by a group of horses?" shouted Caelum, his purplish-blue eyes red with rage.

"I...i" Rosa bit his lip.

"Do you know how dangerous your move was? Why didn't you run or move aside when you saw the group of horses?" Luciano couldn't help but speak.

"I... I am scared," Rosa stuttered.

"I knew from the moment I saw you that you were trouble," Caelum spoke, softening his eyes when he saw Rosa looking guilty. "Don't do that again."

Sebastian looked into her grey steel eyes and wasn't surprised. "What's your name?" he asked softly.

"You don't even know our mate's name. Shame on you," Rosa, who feeling guilty moment ago, raised his head and spoke without thinking.

Everyone eventually learned about her situation, and Luca also had an idea about her behavior. He wasn't surprised because he had seen similar cases before, so he guessed.

"Shut up," Luciano growled at him, causing Rosa to shrink his neck fearfully.

"Aurora," her voice was light and elegant. Her every expression seemed stoic and pleasant.

"Wife, did you change your name? Why didn't you tell me?" Rosa raised his head again upon hearing her, but this time Aurora grabbed his wrist and pulled him upstairs.

"Where are you taking him?" asked Caelum, but he didn't receive a reply. Instead, her room door slammed shut.

Everyone looked at each other, wondering what was happening.

"Where are Charles and Ren?" asked Sebastian.

"They're playing outside in the backyard," Ethan answered.

Inside the room, Aurora threw Rosa onto the bed, her expression hardening.

Rosa, who had been thrown onto the bed, looked very shy. "Wife, if you wanted to mate with me, you should have told me. You didn't have to pull me without explaining anything else."

Aurora didn't reply but gestured for him to come closer.

The next thing Rosa felt was the world spinning, and the next second, he was smacked on the ass.



"Tell me, what's your mistake?"

"I didn't do anything," he muttered. The first smack didn't affect him much.




"Owwwwwww... no... it's my mistake... it's my mistake... I won't do that again," Rosa cried out when she let him down. He felt a stinging pain in his rear, although he somewhat enjoyed it.

When Rosa walked outside, everyone looked at him with pity.

He was the first mate of hers who was beaten by her.

Rosa looked at Ren, who was running toward him, and he felt emotional as he squatted down to hug him.

However, Ren bypassed him like the wind, followed by Charles, who jumped off him and went inside the room.

"..." What Do you think I am road block.

"What" he spoke when he noticed that everyone was still looking at him with pity.

"Don't overthink it. It's just my wife couldn't control herself when she saw my beauty and pounced on me," he said, flipping his hand through his red hair and limping away.

Everyone: "..." do you think we didn't Heard your miserable screams.

"Wait," Rosa stopped, thinking his wife felt guilty.

"Luciano, Ethan, Luca, and Caelum, from today, take him hunting and train him," she commanded.

"And Sebastian, let him cook today's meal," Rosa's eyes widened upon hearing her words.

"You should be useful if you're staying here," she added.

"What about Charles? He didn't do anything either," Rosa felt aggrieved and spoke up again.

Charles growled angrily, causing Rosa to shrink in fear.

"You don't know, but he's the one who makes furniture, finds spices for cooking, collect fresh fruits for us to eat and takes care of Ren," Sebastian spoke, feeling bad for Charles. "He's always been lazy, but he has been improving and trying to help everyone as much as he can, even while playing."

"Unlike someone who only basks in vase" Caelum mocked.

"End of discussion," Aurora said firmly as she went inside.

Rosa pouted and limped away once again.

27 December 2023

Charles and Ren ❤️

Charles and Ren ❤️

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