Chapter 113

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Author POV

The next day, the sun rose and made the whole world bright. Sunlight peeked out of the forest, and Rosa lentus, enjoyed basking in the sun. He loved how the sunlight made his leaf shine and his rose bloom beautifully.

From far away, Rosa could hear the excited commotion. It seemed like everyone was getting ready for a ceremony, and Rosa knew he was going to do great in it. He believed that Aurora would help him save Alexander.

"Rosa! Come inside! We need to get you ready," shouted Caelum from inside the house. Rosa quickly jumped and went inside, turning into a human.

"Put on some clothes," Luciano said while sitting on the ground and cutting fruit with a knife.

Rosa pouted but put on the clothes anyway. It's not like they hadn't seen him without clothes before.

"Rosa, come here," Freya said with a sweet voice that made Rosa blush. He walked towards her.

"I'll teach you some dance steps so you can do well in the ceremony," Freya said as she sat up from the bed. She looked at Rosa and nodded happily.

"Okay, let's start. I'll show you first."

Caelum and everyone gathered around to watch Freya's beautiful dance.

Rosa carefully watched her every step. He loved watching her dance and wanted to be able to do it himself. He liked acting and dancing a lot.

"Step one, step two, step three," Freya taught Rosa the basics.

Rosa followed each step carefully.

"You're a quick learner, Rosa. Make sure to use those dance steps to drag ceremony," Freya said.


The stadium was huge and crowded with all kinds of beasts. Rosa, Caelum, and Luciano were there for the ceremony while the others had gone to rescue Alexander.

"It's too crowded," Rosa complained.

Caelum looked at Rosa, rolled his eyes, and shouted, "Make way for the most beautiful Belle in the world: Rose."

Hearing this, the beasts made space for Rosa and looked at him (Rosa) with admiration.

"Wow, she's the most beautiful belle I've ever seen!"

"She's even prettier than Lisa!"

"I'm going to try to win her over!"

"Look, she only has two mates. We have a good chance!"

"Her red hair and pink eyes are so charming!"

Caelum glanced at Rosa's pink eyes, which sparkled with light. He looked proud as he observed everyone's reactions.

Some of the beasts backed off when they saw Luciano. His face was serious, and his dark energy made them keep their distance from Rosa. Otherwise, they would have already tried to impress Rosa.

On the other side of Beastcity, in the Tiger King's Cave, only two guards were on duty. They were getting impatient because it was a special day. The cave was usually guarded by many beasts, but today only two guards were there.

The beasts were excited about the ceremony, hoping to catch the belle's attention. Many male beasts wanted to impress belles with their size and beauty. The two guards, who were still single, couldn't wait to join the ceremony. Whenever they heard any noise, they got distracted and looked in that direction.



Suddenly, both guards fainted and fell to the ground.

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