Chapter 70

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"F-Flo," I heard a soft, familiar voice, like that of a child, as I walked in darkness.

"Luca," I said as I turned around and saw the darkness disappear at the ocean shore. There, a little merman with a small bluish-pink tail leaned against a stone, looking at me with his big, round, brown eyes.

"Mom," he smiled at me, revealing a dimple.

Then the scene disappeared...

I found myself floating in a mushroom.


I woke up abruptly, shaken from my sleep. I couldn't remember what I had dreamt, no matter how hard I tried.

I opened my blurry eyes and looked around, seeing Luca.

"Flo..." I sat up, shocked to see him.

"What happened when you arrived, and what about your injury?" I asked, holding his arms and checking for wounds. There were none, but his eyes seemed brighter, and his pale face had a blush on his cheeks.

"I'm fine. We don't shed like snakes for long periods, but we have shorter and more painful shedding times," he explained. I hugged him, feeling his body stiffen.

"Don't do that again," I said as I rested my head on his cold chest. After breaking the hug, I looked around and saw Ethan holding fruits, roasted meat, and fish.

He looked at me with his honey-brown eyes and smiled. "Now that Luca is back, eat this before it gets cold. We need to explore and find the perfect location for our house."

"Where are the others? Wait a moment, I'll wash my face," I said, stepping out of the cave. Luca and Ethan followed closely.


After eating with Luca and Ethan, the others returned as well. Today, I sat on Charles' back as we slowly moved forward, searching for the best location. I was determined to find a place with a pond or water source nearby.

Finally, I found a hidden spot behind a small mountain. It had a gorgeous lake, and the vegetation here was dense. I looked around and saw a small forest with thick, tall trees.

"What do you think about this place?" I asked Sebastian. I noticed a sparkle in his eyes that quickly faded.

"But where will we dig the cave?" Caelum asked.

"We'll build a wooden house," I replied. They looked surprised at my suggestion.

"Wood?" Luciano exclaimed, stunned.


I could use my Earth ability to construct the house, but cutting wood was something beyond my capabilities. I showed them how to cut the wood, and we all worked together. I used a knife to cut the wood.

Once we had gathered enough wood, it was already afternoon. I walked towards the lake and washed my face on the shore. My face was sweaty and sticky. As I looked into the clear water, I noticed a gorgeous red lotus-like flower blooming beautifully.

I couldn't take my eyes off it. I swam towards the flower, and it became even more stunning up close. When I touched it, a sticky yellow substance stuck to my hand. I quickly washed my hands when I heard someone calling my name and swam back to shore.

Under the shade of a tree, everything was set up like a picnic. Sebastian had already prepared the food. I had stopped using my space food items since most of them had expired. However, Sebastian always managed to find spices from the surroundings with his sharp senses, and I admired him for that.

"Why are you wet?" Luciano disapproved, looking at my wet clothes. His hands were clenched, confused. I quickly changed my clothes, hiding behind a big tree.

When I walked back and sat next to Sebastian, he looked at me and smiled softly.

"What were you doing in the lake?" he asked.

"Nothing" I replied, Sebastian just looked at me.


After we finished eating, we resumed building our house. I used my Earth ability to strengthen the base and construct the roof. I made it a two-story house, with each of us having our own rooms. We also made furniture and other necessities. At night, we slept together in unfinished rooms. In a week, our house was complete, thanks to my Earth ability and the help of my husbands.

The house was made of sturdy wood and had two floors. We used some other materials from my space as well. I had brought bedding and cushions from my Space, and Sebastian lit the house with lightballs that Luca seemed to have an abundance of. I couldn't figure out where he kept all those things; it seemed like he had his own space.

Nestled among lush greenery, stood a magnificent two-story wooden house. Inside, the newly made wooden furniture added a touch of rustic elegance, blending seamlessly with the warm, honey-colored wooden floors. In the center of the living room, there was a coffee table.

The bedrooms were cozy and comfortable, with newly made beds adorned with my bedding. Each room had a window that offered views of the lush forest and the lake. The ground floor consisted of a living room, a bathroom, and a kitchen, while the first floor had six bedrooms. I chose a room on the second floor with balcony with the best lighting and a view of the lake. As I settled in, my gaze unconsciously fell upon the blooming lotus.

15 December 2023

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