Chapter 115

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"I can smell him," Arnold spoke, followed by Sirius and Lily. After taking several turns and following different routes, they finally found the cave where Alexander was being held.

Their eyes widened as they saw the condition Alexander was in. His face was covered in blood, and he was naked with bloodstains all over his thighs and legs. Arnold's eyes widened, his hand trembling. Despite being accustomed to blood and death, seeing his best friend in such a state made his heart race in fear.

Sirius, although not as affected, still assisted Alexander. He checked his breath and found him unconscious. Fear gripped him, worried that Alexander might die before they could save him. However, he also started feeling suspicious about the absence of guards. He feared it might be a trap.

"Let's quickly take Alexander. I'm afraid this is a trap," Sirius spoke, and Arnold, who was in shock, snapped back to his senses.

"I think so too," Lily added.

"Let's go quickly before we get caught," the trio hurriedly made their way back outside, unaware of what awaited them.

Their eyes widened as they stepped outside and saw a group of T-rexes and Spinosauruses.

"Damn! It really was a trap," Arnold spoke, carrying the weakened Alexander. The weight didn't bother him much now, as Alexander had become much thinner. Those cruel people hadn't even given him food. Arnold's eyes glinted with a cold light.



They were ready to fight. Even Lily, the princess of nature, who had spent half her life locked in a prison with no light and minimal sustenance, had never experienced anything like this before. She had seen many things coming here.

her first time encountering dinosaurs...

She had also experienced the warmth of her husbands love...

But her eyes widened when she saw men with perfect facial features approaching, accompanied by the Tiger King, the Cockroach King, and Lisa. Behind them were Rosa, held by a guard, and Caelum, his face covered in blood. Not only them, but Sebastian, Charles, Ethan, and Luca were also being held captive.

But where were the children?

"Ohhh... bitch, you're caught, huh! You're such a fool... do you know that Aiden can see through any disguise?" Lisa spoke, laughing loudly.

"And bitch, how dare you make my cubs yours do know I almost died giving birth to them! Not only that, you also dared to snatch my ex-mate," Lisa spat, glaring at them.

"Stop, Lisa! You can't become a mother just because you gave birth to them. You almost killed my cubs," Arnold said coldly.

"They're my cubs. I can do whatever I want. You can't control me. Heh, you must be enjoying warming this bitch's bed," Lisa sneered, her eyes filled with greed. "Sure, you have great sexual stami..." However, before she could finish her sentence, her eyes widened as stones started to fly towards her, seemingly moving on their own.

"Daddy!" Lisa cried out, suddenly scared, and ran behind her father, the Cockroach King.

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