Chapter 27

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Ethan POV

I don't know what happened to me. I don't feel the pain of mate cancellation anymore. I heard that after mate cancellation, the pain would increase, and they would become feral or eventually die.

However, nothing happened to me. It surprised me. I was living a normal life like before, with no pain.

Relly was really kind, saving the injured Beastman without asking for anything, but when I saw his face, I was jealous. He was more beautiful and gracious than me, and I hope she isn't captivated by his beauty.

Even though he can't fly now, I can still see his extremely beautiful feathers, and I felt captivated by their beauty.

Helping Sebastian cook in the kitchen, I was really glad that we don't have to starve thanks to Sebastian; otherwise, if it were me, I would be quite useless right now. I think that after the rainy day is finished, I will have to go hunt, and I also want to take Relly to a special place that I would like to go whenever I was sad.

"Sebastian, do you know where Relly comes from?" I asked Sebastian, who was fearlessly cooking with fire. I still remember how dangerous fire was during heating days.

However, when Sebastian told me she taught him how to make fire, I was quite surprised and amazed at the same time. She was really a mystery box to explore; whenever she took things out of nowhere, I was always fascinated.

Sebastian shook his head. "I don't know; I found her in the forest, but I did know her tribe's people have suffered from disaster, which is why she is alone."

"She is pitiful! But doesn't she have any mates?" I asked, feeling weird because most of Belle's beaus have a maximum of eight beaus around them, and Relly was really beautiful.

"She has, but her beau left her for another Belle," Sebastian said with anger flashing in his eyes. I felt shocked that her beau left such a beautiful Belle for another one; if I were in his place, I would pamper her and do whatever she asked for.

Suddenly, I thought it felt really mysterious. Relly Green's eyes turned a violet color, and I felt something different about her. Relly doesn't smile much, but right now she has a charming smile on the corner of her lips.

Especially her spark whenever she talks and the way she moves and talks, it feels so stunningly beautiful.

After eating, when we sat together, I finally asked in confusion, "Relly....why have your eyes changed, and why are Charles and Sebastian calling you Freya?" Hearing this, Caelum raised his head.

Hearing this, she laughed.


Feeling my whole body was feeling something unfamiliar, like I wanted to do anything she asked for. When she stopped laughing, I felt disappointed. I wanted to hear her laugh again. "Hmm.. I have a behavior change disease, so when my color changes, I will become a different person."

"What do you mean by a different person? I don't understand what you mean by becoming another person," Caelum asked in confusion. His brows frowned.

"I mean, when my eye colors change, one of my identities controls my body's behavior at different times. However, from what I know, I have a different case." Nodding my head, I understand that if her eyes change color, maybe there is another side to her. Caelum nodded his head and looked in deep thought.

"So... your name is Freya," I said, to which I got a nod from Freya.

"Caelum, which tribe are you from?" Sebastian asks, hugging Freya.

"I am from the Peafowl Tribe," Carlisle said with a tender smile.

"Amazing! I heard about the Peafowl tribe and that belle there was so beautiful," Charles excitedly spoke, who was in Beastman Form. Hearing this, Freya's eyes narrowed.

"What did you say, Charles? Say again?" Freya said her tone was calm, but I still detected anger. Her eyes narrowed, looking at Charles with a dangerous smile.

"No--n-o, I mean Beau, their was so beautiful...Hahahah." Charles looked scared. And backed up, wanting to run away.

"Really?" Freya smiled dangerously. "How about a trip to the Peafowl tribe so that I can find another cute mate for me?" Hearing this, Charles looked shocked. "Hmmm. I think Charles doesn't like me anymore. I have to find another mate for Cuddle."

"Noooo!" Charles exclaimed loudly. When I looked at Caelum, he looked shy.

"Hmm... forget Charles, but what about you, Freya? You want a new mate, huh?" Sebastian bit Freya's ear, leaving her stunned and blushing.

"Don't worry, Freya, but I think you are more beautiful and kind-hearted than them, especially very clean," Caelum said with a smile, "And you are the most beautiful Belle I ever saw." Freya gasped.

"Yeah, you're the most beautiful Belle I ever saw," I said from the depths of my heart.

" kind and beautiful," Sebastian replied, hugging Freya tightly, who was trying to break free.

When we looked at Charles together, his eyes widened. "Yes..yes..they're right. You're so soft and beautiful. You smell so nice." He took both of her hands and looked into her eyes, trying to be cute with his eyes widening. But this wouldn't work, especially when he looked very charming in his Beastman form.

Freya laughed and rubbed his head.


Life was smooth right now, and rainy days were about to end, but my love story was about to start when my own brother helped me chase his mate.

When my hands touched her soft skin, I felt sparks flying around us.

Looking into her extremely beautiful eyes, I always lost myself.

I felt excitement about waking up early to see her face and talk with her.

When I found her eyes lost in my face, I felt like I was flying in the sky, rolling in a cloud.

I still remember that day when she excitedly hugged me. I turned bear, and I cuddled with her for an hour.

Whenever I have nightmares, she comforts me and encourages me, pulling me out of the darkness.

I was so happy. I hope these days never end.

Friday, 19 may 2023

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