Chapter 82

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Luca POV

I was taken aback when I saw her there, so late at night. Concern filled my voice as I asked her, "What are you doing here so late at night??"

She responded with a soft smile, her gaze fixed on me. "Just admiring the beauty," she said, and I couldn't help but blush and shyly look down.

Her gentle touch on my chin made me shiver. I was surprised by her boldness as she stared at me intently. In that moment, I remembered the words of my friend Nono.

"Flo..." I spoke, my voice filled with sadness.

"Hmmm..." The words couldn't come out; her intense gaze held me captive.

"I think it's time for me to leave, I have been burden you guys " I said hesitantly, fear creeping into my heart.



Now anxiety consumed me.

What if she didn't like me and didn't stop me?

Please... Say something.

Just as I was about to turn around and swim away, her hands sneaked around my waist, shocking me. I looked back, and she pulled me towards her. I turned around, and her hands cupped my cheeks.

And then, her soft lips met mine.

A rush of heat flooded my entire body as I melted in her touch. She bit my lip, and I couldn't help but moan as her tongue explored my mouth.

She was so passionate!

Her hands wandered all over my body. The way her hands tugged at my hair, the way they started touching my tail... I couldn't help but moan into her mouth.

She pulled away from the kiss and looked at me.

"Now, do you want to leave me?" She spoke again, her voice husky, making me surrender to her.

"Tell me," she raised my chin, moving even closer to me.

My whole body flushed, as if I were in heat. "I want to stay with you, become your mate..."

"Good!" She pecked me, and then I took her hands. When I looked again, I saw her beautiful green eyes.

"Relly?" I asked, knowing that green eyes meant 'relly', red meant Maya, black meant Flo, and brown meant Fiorella.

"Hehehe," she giggled as she kept slipping in the water. I supported her and she looked at me.

I made her sit on a boulder and noticed something was wrong with her. "What happened to you?"

"Nah... nothing happened, really," she spoke, but tears began to stream down her face.

"Hey... hey, Relly, don't cry. I'm sorry," I felt anxious and hugged her. She stopped crying and started giggling again.

"Hahaha... oh, Luca, you know you're so gorgeous," I blushed at her words.

"Relly..." I spoke again when I noticed a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"Do you also think my name is weird?" She asked, taking my Webbed claws and playing with them.

"Nope. You have a good name," I reassured her, and she pouted playfully.

"Of course it's good. Dean told me it's a combination of my parents' names. Reyan plus Olly, which means my mother Olivia. That's how I became Relly," my heart ached for her, seeing sadness in her eyes, It's must be her sore topic.

"What happened to them?" I asked, hesitant to bring up such a painful topic.

"I didn't even have a chance to see them... And they..." Her voice trailed off as she started crying.

"Shhhh... don't cry. They must be sad to see you crying," I comforted her.

"You're right," she looked at me with sparkling eyes. We talked together and swam together until she fell asleep. I carried her inside the house.

Her clothes were wet, so I took Relly to her room, her room which was empty. And removed her skirt. I closed my eyes, feeling a flush of embarrassment as I changed her.

As I laid her down on the bed, covering her with warm blanket ready to leave, she pulled me towards her. "Don't goooo," she pleaded, hugging me. I felt shy and awkward, but it wasn't a bad feeling because I liked feeling this way for her.

29 December 2023

👀 Rosa was in trouble again 😭😭

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