Chapter 7

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When I woke up, I found myself sleeping in Fiorella's lap. It felt really comfortable. Her head was leaning against the hard surface of a stone cave.

I stood up and gently adjusted Fiore into a more comfortable sleeping position. As I looked at her, I noticed the unique white and black fur she was wearing. I thought about making her a new animal skin outfit to wear.

I moved the stone that was blocking the entrance, and heavy rain hit my face, accompanied by chilling coldness.

The sky was as dark as charcoal, and a fierce storm raged above. Large raindrops pounded the ground with relentless force, pushing against the pavement. The wind was chaotic, howling through the air with a menacing sound and racing at a relentless pace. The cold air had a sharp bite that seemed to grasp every exposed inch of skin, like icy claws ready to steal away any warmth.

I closed the stone again, leaving a small gap for air. Suddenly, my attention was drawn to a fire pit. I wondered if Fiore had used it. I decided to ask her about it when she woke up.

I walked to a corner where I had stored all my animal skins and treasures in a wooden box I made for storage. I took out red, black, and white fur skins, as well as sharp fish bones and thorns for sewing.

I also retrieved a bright magical ball from my wooden box and placed it in a corner of the cave. It illuminated the entire cave. I had obtained this treasure through a trade with a mermaid tribe.

After gathering the things I needed for sewing, I sat beside the stone bed and looked at Fiorella's figure, taking quick measurements.

I sat there, sewing a skirt for her as if she were wearing it. Even though I didn't have nice fur like hers, I was sure she would like it. I made it thick because it was getting very cold, and the rainy season was in full swing.

"Sebastian," I heard her voice and raised my head slightly. It sounded like a call from nature to me.

"Mmm," I hummed, still focused on sewing the fur skin.

"What are you doing?" she asked as she sat beside me, looking at the skirt I had made for her.

"It's for you," I said, putting the finishing touches on it before giving it to her.

She looked at it in surprise. "Oh my God, this is so good!" she exclaimed, hugging me. I smiled.

"Can I take a bath, Sebastian?" My face fell. It was raining heavily outside, and I couldn't take her out. What if she got a fever?

"No, Fiore, we can't because it's raining outside."

"Okay, so do you have a tub or anything we can use to store water?" I shook my head.

"I think we need to make a room for bathing," she suggested. It seemed like a great idea. I wouldn't have to worry about her being stared at.

"I'll do it now," I said, standing up and asking her, "Where should I make it, Fiore?"

She looked at me in confusion. "Now?"

I nodded and extended my sharp nails, transforming once again. It would make digging the cave easier.

Her eyes widened in surprise as she looked at my claws. Then she looked around and pointed me in a direction a little away from the bed.

I started digging there. When I finished making the hole, her eyes widened, and her mouth dropped open. I looked at her for more suggestions.

Then she asked me to dig another cave inside the hole I had made. "Perfect," she exclaimed, pointing to the second cave. "That's the washroom."

She pointed to the first cave. "That's where we can make space for our clothes."

Finally, she pointed to the last cave. "That's for excretion." I nodded.

"Since it's raining outside, we can resume working on making furniture when the rain stops," she said happily. I, too, felt happy and proud to be useful to my belle.

"Can we make another cave?" she hesitated and asked me. I smiled and nodded. "You can ask me anything, Fiore."

She asked me to dig three caves in one hole, and she asked for another separate cave for the kitchen, so I made it.

She also suggested shifting our room to the last cave as she asked. I also made a big bed, and she laid animal skins on it.

Then she started wrapping many animal skins together. She explained that it was a pillow where I could rest my head while sleeping. When she finished, she asked me to try it. To my surprise, it felt really good, so I helped in making four pillows.

The cave felt warm now. Since we had a bed at the entrance, I didn't feel cold anymore. It wasn't a problem.

After everything was finished, she swept the floor with an animal skin. I offered to help, but she rejected me with a glare.

When we sat on our old bed, she asked me, "Where is the light coming from?"

"It's coming from the white crystal ball," I pointed to a corner.

"Wow, like a bulb! Where did you get it, Sebastian?" she asked, looking very surprised.

"From a good exchange," I replied, not mentioning that I got it from the mermaid tribe.

I know it was selfish of me, but the mermaid tribe's beauties were extraordinary.

"And Fiore, did you use fire?" I asked her, remembering it.

"Yeah, why?" she said, and I just shrugged my shoulders. "No, fire was only used by priests."

"I can teach you," she said, pulling me with her. In the end, she showed me how to make fire, and I felt so happy and proud.

"Thank you, Fiore," I said, hugging her.

"Do you have any meat? I can also show you how to cook it," She spoke.

I took out some meat from my stock and gave it to her. She wrapped it in some green plants. After a while, a delicious smell wafted from it, making my mouth water.

When she peeled the plant from the meat, it was golden yellow. I took a bite, and oh my God, it was the most delicious thing I had ever tasted.

I felt lucky to have a belle like her.

ミ⁠●⁠﹏⁠☉⁠ミ I lose my brain cells Writting this chapter.

And MOST IMPORTANT THING, Thank you So Much for Votes 🤍🤍;)

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