Chapter 24

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Relly POV

I woke up alone in bed, feeling sore but not sticky as expected because my body was already clean, Sebastian must have cleaned my body.

How sweet of him.

After lying down while thinking about the night, I felt extremely shy because it was very loud and must have been heard by them.

Biting my lips and feeling embarrassed, I gathered my strength and climbed down from bed. I had an animal skirt put on my body.

Reaching the main hall, I looked around instantly and spotted them lying lazily on the sofa, looking outside.

The wind was howling, sending gusts of chilly air through the cave and shaking the trees so hard that branches snapped and leaves swirled in the air. The rain poured down. Thunder boomed, as if the heavens were clapping in approval of the storm's grandeur. It was an unforgettable sight.

I had been sleeping until nightfall. Huh, but who made Sebastian do that until the morning?

The air was even colder, making me shudder. Because I was in a room with a cozy blanket, I didn't feel cold, but now I feel cold.

Why haven't they closed the cave? And I can see there must be danger outside.

They noticed my presence, and their eyes fell on me. Looking at Sebastian, I smiled, and I blushed, looking down, feeling extremely shy.

"Relly." Suddenly, I was hugged tight by Charles, who had transformed into Beastman, pouting, "I also want to mate with you."

Shocked, I stood frozen, feeling embarrassed. I think they must have heard me.

"No," I said, shaking my head and feeling Sebastian and Ethan's eyes on me.

"Why.." Charles winced, like a little boy, pouting his lips and with golden puppy eyes, looking at me pitifully.

"No, Charles. Not until you get better, got it." Nodding his head, Charles obediently pulled me along with them, cuddling together.

When I locked eye contact with Ethan, he looked at me longer, with his red cheeks making me even more embarrassed, I wrapped myself in Sebastian's arm, earning a chuckle from him.

It was very peaceful around them, with the sound of heavy rain.

"How are you feeling?" whispered Sebastian in my ear.

"Yeah, I was sore thanks to you." He chuckled at my remarks.

"Are you hungry? You haven't eaten all day." Nodding my head, Sebastian went to the kitchen after giving me heated food. He went to close the door.

Suddenly, shocked, I heard the high screech of a peacock.

Putting food on the table, I stood behind Sebastian, whose face was covered with anger. "Who are you, Birdman? Can't you see this? We already owned this cave. You-" Sebastian shouted, and suddenly he stopped.

What happened?

I also got up from bed and ran towards Sebastian. I was also shocked.

An extremely wounded peacock, screaming painfully. Its vibrant colors were hidden beneath the dirt and mud that caked its feathers, but even in its weakened state, it still managed to carry itself towards our cave.

And from Freya's memory, it was that extremely gorgeous peacock that she had fun with.

Coming back to my senses, "Sebastian, he was injured; take him inside." Hearing this, Ethan, Sebastian, and Charles carried the peacock inside and placed him on the sofa.

When Charles got me towels and water, I gently cleaned his body, trying not to hurt his wounds. I froze when I saw that this peacock was poisoned.

Thank God, Flo has almost every instrument and medicine of the hospital in space. Closing my eyes, I quickly tried to find medicine. I was getting anxious when I didn't find it.

"Thank God," I said after I found the poison antibody medicine. I quickly opened my eyes.

I cleaned and treated any wounds the peacock had sustained from the poisoning and other wounds. I think when the rain stops, I'll have to find some natural herbs for further treatment of him.

After making sure he was fine, I felt very nervous. Sebastian rubbed my back. "You've tried; let's go to sleep."

"No, Sebastian, I don't feel sleepy right now." I told him, "You guys go to sleep; I will take care of him."

"No," the trio said together. I held my head helplessly.

"Okay, Charles-Brother, go to sleep. I will take care of Relly." When Sebastian told them this, both of them nodded. Their heads went to sleep.

"Why don't you also go to sleep?" I asked Sebastian.

"No, you know how dangerous it is at night; I need to guard you," he worriedly answered. I nodded my head.

Sebastian went to cover the cave with a big stone, and I sat on the other side of the sofa.

After closing the cave, he returned to my side and turned into a fox, lying next to me and keeping me warm with his soft, warm fur.

Friday, 12may 2023

I was extremely bored to write this Chapter, I guess Few more Chapters and Adventure, We gonna meet new personality and male leads😁.

:~) 🥺

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